Chapter Fifty Four: The New Deal

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Bonnie is walking through the woods. She walks into the old abandoned witch house. There are voices whispering all around her. She goes into the basement and sees that there are four coffins there. She walks toward the coffin that is held up higher than the rest of them and opens it. Klaus is inside, holding Elena's necklace. Bonnie reaches out to grab it, but she hears a noise behind her and turns around. She wakes up in her bed.

Elena is jogging through Mystic Falls. She checks her watch to see what her time was. She turns around and sees a man running towards her. She turns back around and starts running again. The man continues to follow her. Elena turns a corner and speeds up. After a while, she stops running and looks behind her. The man is gone. She calms down and turns around, when she walks straight into the man who was following her.

"Excuse me." He says. "Should have been watching where I was going."

"Don't worry about it." She tells him.

"Have a nice day." He jogs away, Elena watches him go.

Trinity wakes up in bed and goes to move only to realize that she is being held by someone. When a familiar scent fills her nose, she turns around and sees Katherine.

"Hey." She says.

"Oh my god!" Trinity says, wrapping her arms around the girl. "I thought you were dead!"

"I'm not."

Trinity pulls back to look at her. "How are you here? Why are you here? Klaus is in town!"

"I know."

"Then why are you-"

"I had to see you and I'm glad that I did." She pauses. "Trinity, how much has your Quickening progressed?"

"Well, it got worse during the summer. The voices were getting louder and then I had to deal with..."

"Deal with what?"

"When I was with Klaus this summer...he made me kill someone."

"I know." Katherine says. "Stefan told me."

"But he didn't tell you what happened because of that."

Katherine looks at her. "What?" Trinity gets up from the bed and turns away, Katherine gets up as well. "Trinity, what happened? What do you..." She trails off when Trinity turns around, only she's not looking at Trinity anymore. She's looking at Stefan.

"I can turn into people now." Trinity says, in Stefan's voice.

Katherine stares at 'Trinity' in shock. "How?"

Trinity shifts back into her natural form. "I killed one." She says. "That's why it's not written in any of the journals, why no one every revealed how they were able to shift into people. They didn't want to turn their race into murderers in search of power."

"Does Klaus know?"

Trinity shakes her head. "His compulsion doesn't work on me either. He tried to break my loyalty to Stefan; to make me only loyal to didn't work. I didn't have to fight it. It just didn't work. I think it's because of my Quickening."

Katherine sits back down. "What else have I missed?"

At the Mystic Grill, Elena and Bonnie are sitting at a table.

"I feel like I'm going crazy." Elena tells her. "Totally paranoid all the time."

"You have a right to be. Klaus is still out there and he knows you tried to kill him."

"Why hasn't he made a move? There has been no sign of him. Nothing. Just my slow spiral into insanity."

"Join the club." Bonnie sighs. "Every time I close my eyes, I have that nightmare. On repeat."

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