Questioning Ourselves and Weirdness

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Aliens & The Out Of Ordinary Law

This topic is difficult to address with the modern ufology community because most will treat it with a religious vibe, providing answers with stubbornness and reluctance to question. I am frustrated at the stupidity and religious thinking that takes place within such a subject. We are a third-dimensional species that somewhat has a foot in the fourth dimension, for we are aware of "time" even though it is human-made, we are still restricted to the concept. We are yet to travel our solar system, understand our origins, know much of our planet - fix the troubling mess of our world with the existence of money. We still have religions, treat language without any respect, treat our fellow earthlings without any respect, still have pretentious, arrogant, obnoxious - egotistical views that humanity is superior and far more intelligent than other earthlings and species such as plants. But we can apparently give "facts" about extraterrestrials who travel interstellar and live in dimensions above us. It is absolutely foolish, brainwashing and no different from religion. Anyone with a brain can realise this and does not give his or her mind over to these fools that say they know about these grey aliens and reptilians; how they look, speak, act, their motives, desires, characteristics, origins, technology and so forth. What bugs me is that a species such as ourselves who are yet to travel out of our tiny solar system, are stating facts about the lifestyle and motives of possible species that would be so complex, they could travel galaxies! Who's to say that they're even made of matter!? They may very well be made of elements we have no idea about, yet to discover. We are unaware of the foreign alien elements, compounds and substances out there in the universe, and yet we are picking the minds of these species who are way beyond our intellectual understanding when we cannot even understand our own minds. You have people come to you and claim their experience with time crossing, dimensional-hopping extraterrestrials and how they interacted with them and what they said - and they place it down as fact. What gets me the most, what really spoils my mood, is that these individuals, religions, cults, communities and groups, claim they know the truth to something that is beyond our understanding through the use of language and our small minds. We use ourselves as examples to form facts of what intelligent forms of life out in space may be like. That just does not make any sense to me. That is like a cockroach stating facts about human characteristics and lifestyles (even though in the first place it cannot create such thoughts!) based on its nature. It is just ridiculously ignorant, small minded and stupid that we do that. Our thoughts on extraterrestrials are so culturally bounded and limited, influenced by multiple sources such as friends, family, media, movies, the internet and TV shows - that you formulate and project these images within your mind of what these species look like and their personalities. You need to take a step out of that cultural programming to begin theorising and thinking of possibilities. Firstly, admit you know nothing.

I have proposed a law to help aid us in understanding such complicated matters. The law states that something out of the ordinary requires an out of the ordinary explanation to prove that it is real and not of the mind, for the mind will give a simple and relative answer to an experience of the mind. Most ufologists don't give out of the ordinary explanations. They stick within the limitations of the modern ufology culture thus precluding themselves from the possible truth and instead embracing delusion. The logic behind this law is that we cannot understand out of the ordinary experiences with ordinary thinking for it limits you to simple ideas that cannot compete with the experience itself. For example, witnessing a "UFO" is an out of the ordinary experience (for now) in which Ufologist give an ordinary explanation that an educated nine-year-old could imagine such as the UFO being an E.T spacecraft. That is limited ordinary cultural thinking. Instead, a theory of the UFO being us from a different time-stream, in which they happened to advance quicker for certain reasons such as the rise and existence of religion never happening, and they were able to develop advanced technology for they honed in on the importance of love and unity. That now the two time-streams are merging back together and so they are drawn into our reality as we are pulled into theirs. Therefore, we see these crafts appearing and disappearing without realising that they are us transparently seen, up until both timelines completely merge back together. That is just one out of the ordinary explanation to the UFO phenomenon which has more value and credit to explaining the truth based on this law. Of course, however, it is still not as unordinary and profound as need be. Weirdness such as the UFO phenomenon has been with us for quite some time. Experiences with peculiar and strange events have been documented in human history through the use of drawing, writing, modern photography and videography, and possibly man-made structures such as the pyramids; ever since we had the ability to convey the experience into lasting representations of meaning. Interaction with the weird doesn't necessarily mean experiencing something uncommon and different. It means experience with something supernatural, unable to be explained by science and incomprehensible to man's understanding. We are surrounded by weirdness if you define weird with this meaning, strange things like dreaming, imagination, intuition, hallucinations, language, love and so forth. Life itself is weird, causing more peculiarity in the strangeness of death and what it is.

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