SECTION II Questioning Ourselves And Weirdness

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 Existence is weird. Why or how it is so that we exist in the form we are currently taking is truly baffling. Such thoughts kill the drama of the human game. Like worrying about what people think of you, or stressing about work, or having anxiety about your status in society. They all become insignificant and incredibly small minded like when your mind wanders to bigger thoughts such as questioning how it is so that life exists at all. Grand thoughts like these can liberate you but at the same time limit you, for you realise that we humans and our arrogant ways have tricked ourselves into forgetting that we are just occupying a spaceship that looks like a pale blue dot after all; spinning and moving far off in space. With all of our apparent significances, issues, accomplishments and history - we all seem to be but less than a speck on the face of our galaxy. Isn't it weird?  

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