Us vs the Universe

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Do not worry; you cannot truly make a mistake. The universe will unravel in the guidance of your vibrational energy, so speak the language of the cosmic magic. Think positively, exude love, capture the moments of existence by being in the moment and smile. Life isn't just that mundane task of being pushed around so that you conform to a system thats only interest is to disempower and control you until you're six-feet underground. Liberate yourself. Forget the money, the critics, and the rest. Do what you love - so long as it doesn't impede anyone else. For what other reason would you exist? And if you're afraid, know that you will always find others interested in whatever you love to do and wherever you go, evident in the beautiful awakened minds gathering here. There will always be others there with you every step of the way.

Listen, I have to admit I occasionally get frightened, anxious and worried about what will happen to me if I make the "wrong" decision. It's natural - a reminder that after all, I am human. We all are. But in such times remind yourself that you are also something more. Something special - so extraordinary in fact that language herself is speechless in the presence of its beauty. That is why there is no religion, no description, no title available for the ego to absolutely grasp the enchanting essence of the source. The closest we have come regarding the use of the English language is in the word love. Hence why I believe if you ever feel lost, confused, and unknowing as to what to do in life - seek that powerful source, for it always lies within you and it is never externally far away. 

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