Free Love of the Ever-Present, Magnificently Tranquil

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The Present Moment

Everything is happening now, and forever changing. The present moment is where you laugh, cry, love, dream, fail, feel disappointed and proud - existing completely here, all now. As a consequence of this, we are left in a state of angst. Because on the one hand, you realise your misery will eventually be liberated and replaced by happiness, but your happiness will as well inevitably die to misery. Nothing lasts, not your friends, occupations, wealth, status, nothing at all will forever be concretised and remain in this realm of experience we have found ourselves in. Therefore, it is an indication that you are not who you once were, or who you think you are to become, for it is now that only exists. It is who you make of yourself in this present moment that matters. So all of your mistakes are forgiven and your regrets or guilt erased as you are reborn by the second and provided new yet fragile experiences. You are then left in the state of realisation that all of life across the entire universe is found in the present, everything happening everywhere is of the here and now, where you take a seat in the chair of cosmic existence to sit back and undergo the feeling of what it is to be alive. However, this has been taken from us, stolen and replaced with negative habits of worrying about illusory futures, or forgotten pasts, which can consequently as evidently shown in history, lead to a series of unfortunate events that are not beneficial for any lifeform. One has not truly lived if they have spent their time ignoring the felt moment of immediate experience and rather lingered predominantly in the realm of their worries of futures not existing. I believe this bad habit is playing quite a significant role on the living ignorance of the troubled predicament we find ourselves in. It seems that a high amount of people spend a lot of their time looking forward to a possible future or caught in a moment of the past, that they ignore what is presently happening in our world. If we could see, feel and listen to the painful cries of our planet and its inhabitants, we would change immediately. For I do not agree that the human race is fundamentally evil, instead we are just lost and confused for the moment. The eternal now is where everything is found, where your core ability to feel and experience resides, so why do you avert your presence from the present? This is all I know to be true and real; the present moment is the source of everything we have come to know.


To be in touch with the now can be achievable through a form of meditation. By centralising one's mind on the specifics of a natural experience - such as the art of walking - you will soon realise that your mind will be captivated by the movement of walking, resulting in your thoughts quieting down, leaving you entirely in the felt moment, the eternal now. The importance of quieting the mind is purposeful for someone's sanity, for a mind always bubbling with thoughts will lead to what we have come to know as anxiety, and anxiety can be a disturbing experience to undergo for any being who wishes to enjoy the wonders of life. The essentials of practising the art of meditation are simply to be alert, attentive to what is happening in the felt moment, and the easiest way to achieve this for beginners is to listen. Close your eyes and hear the sounds occurring around you and in you. By doing just this, you will be exposed to how deeply addicted you have become with identifying nature with the concepts and ideas that have been given to you. Notice that if you are to hear a bird chirp, you will automatically identify that sound belonging to what we know as a bird, and therefore the sound is not completely heard for you are distracted by allowing your mind to take control and focus on your knowledge of what birds are. Let your mind do that peacefully. Do not try to control it, for that will do nothing but cause an unnatural disturbance of force, exactly what you are trying not to achieve. Leave your mind to wander, observe it doing so, listen to your thoughts just as you are listening to the outside world and eventually it will quiet itself. You will get back into touch with the sounds around you, and you will hear them like you've never heard them before. You will alter your state of consciousness, exposing yourself to new experiences of life. We seem always to be half awake and half asleep. Half awake and responsive to life, half asleep thinking in regards to the occurrences we undergo every day, or dreaming of experiences, places, people, things completely unrelated to the present moment. I believe we should be totally in tune to either one of these states, for it will allow us to entertain experiences entirely for what they really are. Knowing about this, peculiar thoughts begin to arise, questions about the experiences we are unaware of due to our current state of consciousness.

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