Time, Space, Artificial Intelligence and Future

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A Ripple In Time

Like this book, what is presented presently with the human race isn't our complete form. The influences and impressions this book will leave on the minds that read it are as part of the book as the writing is. So what we have done in the past and what we do now in the present is as connected to us as a whole to what we will do in the future. Our current actions and choices are a cause of a ripple effect that will continue to move in form for eternity. The universe is one giant wave in motion that was caused by us. Don't you see it? No matter what wave you currently surf, you are the entire ripple. From the beginning of the universe to the creation of galaxies and the continuation of forming solar systems and planets, to all inventions and thoughts ever conceived from all beings, here you are - travelling along with everything as everything from everything that ever happened. You - as you are, had and still have a role in the creation of this universe as the creator. If you would like proof, think of the impact you have had just today by existing. The lives of the people you have spoken to or seen, messaged online or shared a comment publicly through social media with, all of them will have their lives greatly influenced just by your small interference because everything they do from then on was shaped by that moment of being exposed to your presence and prior. As well as this, everything they now do will affect others and so on and so on. But we can always trace it back. Back to your intervention, but your intervention was because of someone else's influence, and their influences dates further back until we find ourselves humorously speaking about the formation of the solar system and which asteroid was the reason to a particular planet existing. All the way until we are all the way back to the beginning of the universe. The very activity of you reading this book right now has been a domino effect dating back to the very start of existence as we know it, and possibly whatever was before that. Realising this will cause you to understand that at the very least, we are the universe as much as the stars, galaxies, planets and energy.

Ahead We Prosper And Party

Living without immense suffering from the experiences of life unnatural to nature, a destined reality for humanity exists. This future entails freedom and love. Newborn babies awaken to find a heavenly garden to flower and grow in. The happiness of children is not killed by society when they come of age, but their playful manner remains radiant until old age. Teenagers are not subjected to the identity tormenting conflict that takes place internally and externally but instead they express themselves freely with one another. Men and Women both do not waste their lives serving a system as slaves to be rewarded with money so that they can live, but rather are provided with the necessities for human survival through the advancement of automation and unity of the human race. The brilliant minds among us gather monthly in publicly viewed conferences to converse with one another about the real problems we face as a species and how we can address the issues so that they can be solved. Nationalism, religion, exclusive culture is no longer relevant but extinct. Cities all around the world host great social gatherings and parties most nights for all ages to attend, so that information through spreading knowledge can be learnt as a connection to one another can be felt. Music and dancing takes part at these nightly parties, people from everywhere come to laugh and vibe out to the frequency of love being actively emitted from such an environment. Love is no longer oppressed and referred to as taboo for the use of disempowering people, but rather expressed publicly, especially during these colossal gatherings. Drugs are no longer substances of mind control and weakening, such as TV and alcohol, but consciousness expanding intoxicants legal to use for everybody. The lifestyle of the average person consists of living a life doing what they love, up until the point that it kills them. Death will be a cause for celebration, no longer seen as a terrible natural phenomenon. This future is there; we just need to look towards it and take the steps necessary.

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