Section XI Epilogue: To The Future and Beyond!

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To The Future and Beyond!

The momentum of our progression in the direction forward shall no longer be halted. The human race will prosper, and due to the continuation of our existence, the future will colour all living life forms with an experience worth living for. Life as we know it shall consist of beauty, love and happiness for us to indulge in; as we bleach the darkness of our history by redeeming ourselves and reconnecting with mother nature. The future we have a chosen to head towards collectively by changing the present and riding it of the negative effects physically and mentally that we impose onto it will be a time like no other on this planet. A time where you will actually feel human again, alive and in tuned with the universe. That is what has been taken away from us, by us, and the only way of getting it back is through us. It isn't going to come from investing yourself in purchasing lifestyles sold to you through unhealthy ideologies and cultural teachings handed down by your family, peers, schooling systems and governments. You don't earn your freedom and independence by defining yourself as a race or nationality, labelling yourself with memes that entail rules and laws sanctioning you to a specific reality so that you're under its control. It doesn't work like that. Where you find your emancipation from the unhealthiness of society and culture, is in the felt present moment of love. That is all that matters. All else of what is currently being focused on like job security, climbing the corporate ladder, following cultural traditions and aggrandising your status in society, is all but a fool's game - created for and by the deluded. Where real life is really happening, is when you feel the magic that flows through your body as you look into the eyes of a beloved, or singing to the musical raindrops that heavenly fall everywhere around us, while you dance to the wonders of life. Where the cosmic energy radiantly emerges pulsating from your body, that you see not hate and separation from other beings of life, but rather unity and connection. For us to still exist as a species of apparent chaos, we must apparently be presenting some beneficial consequences to this planet as well. The human experience undergoes a deliverance of pure complexity, divinity, for we can be vile and evil as well. But we mustn't lose hope if we desire to prolong humanity's existence. The change that needs to come about is firstly personal.

I advise you to work on yourself, explore who you are and what you love to do, and do it, be it. Express what you are, and in return, the world you live in will reflect. If you want to embody a reality of materialistic, egotistical acquirements, then as you will notice, your world will in return display just that. A house filled with stuff, things taking up space and room externally and internally that it is killing the other occupants and overall, the host. And evident in the modern world, as the conclusion for a lot of people who travel down that path with the apparent love to invest their minds in obtaining corruptive trash and caring about the opinions of others, do not find happiness, but rather misery. For the attraction and addiction for such desires, was misinterpreted as love, and that's what is ultimately destroying us. If you are someone of whom is disinterested in fulfilling your time pursuing what majority seem to be chasing, then I encourage you to find the others who think like you. Who see through the lies told by our shallow leaders and are willing to stand up to say enough to these controlling and demoralising sociological, culturalistic ideologies that have torn humanity apart. Find them and talk about how you're going to start a peaceful revolution to help save us from ourselves because we are in desperate need of people like you. You hold the key, the power, the love, the creativity, the abilities and intelligence to transform this world for the better. You simply need to make your voice heard. Speak up by no longer purchasing mislead paths that lead to investing your mind in a career that you honestly do not wish to follow, but rather have been stupidly advised by society to obtain a particular job because it "pays well." Stop selling your existence to serving a system destroying not only your love and happiness but the well-being of all species currently on this planet. Think for yourself, do what makes you happy - so long as it doesn't impede others from doing what they love. We orchestrate this world to produce the music we wish to hear, feel, and listen to. If we desire to bang the planet with the sound of bombs, the noise of guns - yelling and screaming from the chaos of inhumanness and the uproar of anarchy than the music will be as such. But there is another song that is heard in the ecstasy of love, unity, peace and happiness. We can play that song for the entire universe to listen to and enjoy. For all species of earth to be captivated by the beautiful melody of the human race, we just need to change our ways.

You are not alone. I know you think differently, you're not like most. You question everything, even though it occasionally gets you into trouble with the system. And it's a struggle, trying to fit in with a brainwashed society; it's why you tend to feel depressed here and there. For you realise how ridiculous everything is. The world we've created isn't meant for dreamers like us, so it killed the artist. Consumerism, as a consequence, dominates. But there is hope. I encourage you to rebel. To do what you love and reveal your deepest thoughts openly, regardless of what people may think. Because why not? What is it that you are afraid of? The judgement of others? I don't think that will suffice when the human race blows this planet up because those amongst us who could see past the bullshit didn't make their voices heard. You are special, you have a gift. You are in a position that is needed now more than ever. The position of being different from most. So for the sake of those yet to be born – and for the sake of those who do not speak the human language but are greatly affected by its world, I ask of you to do what you feel pulled towards. To change the world and save the planet. Find the others, change the world, and save humanity from ourselves.

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