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"What should I wear?"

"Anything. It's not a date, you say..."

"It's not but Wang Qing is tall and fair and handsome..."

"Wow...he's all those things?

I felt heat on my cheeks, "I am just saying that he will have an easier time being good looking while I have to make more efforts..."

"You are good looking Dayu. Don't let other people say it's otherwise. Personally, I prefer your looks than anyone elses..."

"Are you saying that because I am hosting your thoughts?"

"Yes, it's all lip service,"

I smiled at that. I finally opted to wear jeans and shirt inside a colorful sweater. I love colors. I am in a good mood so might as well wear something colorful.

I noticed that Wang Qing prefers wearing plain clothes. Probably because he doesn't need much to look good. His height and face provides that. I think Wang Qing also prefers wearing Earth tone colors. Like most black and brown and grey...whatever.

So I plan to contrast him with colors in me. I smiled at my sweater with red, purple, pink and peach colors splashed on it. It's like a canvas of colors.


I wear my sneakers, combed and styled my hair then swipe my phone and wallet from the top of the drawer. I was about to leave when I stopped.

"Should I wear cologne?" I asked myself and Wu La.

"Do you want to smell good?"

"Of course!"

"Then wear some. Doesn't matter to me,"

"Okay, cool!" I snatched the bottle of Eau d'Orange Verte my mother splashed on my last birthday as a gift. I love it's citrusy smell. If Wang Qing won't like it, it's his loss.

I dabbed some cologne on my wrist, neck and inside my shirt then put it back on the drawer.

"Okay, you are ready for your date."

"It's not a date."

"Okay, whatever you said. Bye..."

Wu La signed off.

I stepped off my room and collided with my mother who took one sniffed of me and smiled. "Good," she said before moving on.

What the hell?!

The people around me are crazy.

I went downstairs to wait for Wang Qing. I don't have to wait that long because he came even before the two hour deadline he set for himself. Looking well dressed, of course.

Punctual. I like it.

My parents greeted him. "You boys take care, okay?" My mother said while smiling happily, she is creeping me out. "Have fun," she added.

"We will just probably look for more cure for the curses..."

"We will Mrs.Feng," Wang Qing chimed in in the middle of my speech.

I sighed and just go with the flow for once.

"Where are we going?" I asked Wang Qing as I fasten the seatbelt around me, expecting him say that we will look for more"curse experts".

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