Chapter 18 part 1

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I know its been so long! I missed writing this but stupid school. I have finals in a about two weeks and then I have summer break! I'm excited because I'm going to be writing a lot and maybe be even get to the climax of the book before summer is over.

ANYWAY, part one is here!


                   “Negative six hours and twenty-seven minutes,” I sighed. I have officially run out of things to do, not that I was actually doing anything at all this week. It seems that the week I am utterly bored, I have nothing to do. However, when I did manage to get my mind sidetracked, I thought about what Alex’s plastic doll said to me.

           I shut my locker door and rested my head against the cool metal. With my eyes closed I took a deep breath in and released it. In my head I saw someone, standing out there, somewhere. I could see him clearly and yet in my mind he was very blurry. He was in the moonlight and then again he was in midday. He was alive and yet he was long deceased. He was unexplainable but I knew much about him. I saw his red eyes and then, he was gone.

          “Are you okay, Mia?” a shy voice asked. I lifted my head and looked at my redhead friend.

          “Yeah,” I lied. “I need to go to the bathroom. Go head to lunch ahead of me, okay? I’ll meet you in there in a bit.”

          Chloe nodded and left my side. I headed straight for the lady’s room. The mirror I stood before had dirt crusted around the border of the mirror from the mere age of it. I placed my hands on the smooth countertop and put my weight on it. I saw the clear image of a girl with blonde hair shoved into a messy bun with wisps of hair free from the elastic holding the hair in place. She looked tired, she looked bored, she looked-.

          “Look what the cat dragged in,” a voice sneered. You could feel the hate in her voice like slim on your skin. “A talentless, waste of space, ignorant American.”

          My gaze shifted to the slim, tan figure leaning against the wall inside the middle green stall. I couldn’t help but notice how pretty she looked in the reflection, despite her mask of makeup.

          “And look at who has nothing better to do but make dramatic entrances in girl’s restrooms,” I shot back. This girl’s constant jabs at me were getting on my nerves. What was her name again? I heard Chloe say it a few times before… oh right, Paige.

          “… he at?”

          I snapped out of my trance and looked at Alex’s play toy.


          “Ugh, are you deaf as well as stupid? I guess I’ll have to repeat myself. Where is he at?”


          “Alex, of course,” she said looking a bit taken aback.

          “If I did know I have better things to do than tell you,” I barked, spinning around to face her.

          Her anger radiated like the sun on a hot day. You could feel it like you could hear sound turned up in a microphone. A firm step was taken towards me.

          “You should really watch how you act, Amelia,” she growled. Her blue eyes penetrated mine, the harder her stare the more blue you could see, and I don’t think it was because of the make-up.

          “And why is that, Ms. Wannabe?” I mocked, ignoring how she remembered my name.

          “Because you never know when someone is going to come for you,” she whispered. Spinning on her heel, she turned and left.

          I turned around and faced the filthy mirror once again. My left hand went under the faucet and my right went to turn the knob. As I tried to turn it I felt it was stuck. I tried the other way and it still wouldn’t go. I checked around the faucet and found no signs of serious rust around the old spout. I looked back up at myself and caught something in the reflection that surprised me.

          “What the hell?” I muttered to myself as I looked at my eyes. As I stole a glance I gasped and took a step back. I took a few deep breaths before reexamining me eye color. My crystal blue eyes were staring back at me but I could have sworn that they were-. I shook it off as just a trick of the light and tried to turn the faucet again. As it wouldn’t budge yet again I tried to do this the cheap way. I felt the power flow into my veins and I concentrated on what was in the faucet. Half of my magic was focused on the metal and my other half was focused on the water pushing its way through the pipes.

          I could feel the sweat beginning to collect on my forehead as I could feel things slowly start to turn on and object my hands were inches above. Then, I heard the first drip and let go.

          My hands trembled only slightly as I turned the faucet and stuck them under. The cold water filled my hands before splashing against my face. I quickly dried it before exiting the bathroom.

          The hallway was empty when I entered it. And it's just what I needed for the time being.

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