Chapter 4-Nightmares

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Hi! New chapter here we get to see Alex be a jerk and a total ass! Picture of Mia's father to the side!


          Run. Faster. They’re coming, don’t look back just go. Run! Those were the only commands my brains registered.

          I stopped myself from running into the wall in front of me. Dead end. I turn slowly, preparing to take on my foes.  They’re faces were hidden in the shadows but they presence was familiar. Suddenly Alex, Chris, and my father were in front of me on their knees, arms bound behind their backs. One thing stood out to me the most; they all had knives held to their throats.

          “No. Stop it! Don’t hurt them! Stop! Please!” I begged.

          “This is your entire fault. All the harm done to them will be your fault. You should have listened to me,” her voice rang in my ears. Her voice was familiar, the voice that told me to sit down when I first saw Alex and Chris.

“Just stop it! Leave them alone! What did they do to you? Nothing! So leave them alone!” I yelled at her.

“We need you and they are the only thing that stands in our way.” And with that, the knife started to cut and drag along Alex’s throats. I screamed his name as he crumpled to the ground. A flash of light flooded around me as I screamed in terror.

          My eyes fluttered open and I sat up quickly.

I was in a bed in an unfamiliar room. The walls were a pretty cream color and held posters of bands and pictures of Alex and Chris. The layout on the room was the same as mine except the window held a view of the tops of trees, or at least from my view considering I’m basically in the middle.

The recent events flooded in. The training, the laughing, the healing, the fainting. The healing. The thought swung my legs off the bed and heading for the door. The only thing stopping me was gravity. It pushed my weak leg muscles to the ground and left me laying there. I reached my hand up to the bed and pulled myself up until I sat on it, my mind racing.

What did I do? Oh my God! What about Alex? Was he okay? Did I hurt him? Why am I so concerned about him? We just met. What about Chris?

As if to answer my prayers the door hesitantly opened. The two people that managed to fill my head with too many questions walked into the room. I felt a smile spread across my face when my brain comprehended that they were okay.

They made their way to me and I stood to greet them. Chris sat beside we while Alex stood, watching me. I started to hammer them with questions.

“Alex, I am so sorry! Are you okay? Where are we? What the hell did I do? Did I hurt you? If I did then I am sorry…again. Still--are you okay?”

“Whoa, there,” Chris said placing his hands on my shoulders, his eyes looking into mine gently. Alex rolled him eyes and muttered, “I’m fine. This is my room. I have no idea what you did. You didn’t hurt me, but more importantly are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, just a little light headed,” I said. I sighed with relief, he was okay. My nightmare lingered in my brain but I tried to shake it off. “I should probably get some fresh air. Can we go outside?”

“Sure,” Chris smiled. I stood up and hooked my arms through his and he led me out of the room.

My first few steps were shaky but I managed to walk through the hall without a problem. However the stairs looked unpleasant and terrifying when you looked down them. I didn’t think my legs could handle it. I started to back away but I collided with a solid object- Alex.

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