Chapter 14- What are you doing?

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New chapter! I apologize for its crappiness. I had a Writer's Block and went through MEGA procrastination.



          When I heard a knock on the door I expect it to be Chloe, Chris, Alex, hell even Victoria! But no-not my father. He entered my room to find me jumping up and down to music.

          “Don’t you have homework?” he asked me. I shook my head, my hair fanning around me.

          “Finished it a while ago,” I told him. Pulling my headphone out of my ear I looked up at him. “What’s up, Dad?”

          “I wanted to talk,” he said, closing my bedroom door. He was dressed formally in a blue button up shirt and black slacks, complete with a tie.


          “About?” he scoffed. “I haven’t seen you for three years. How have you been? What’s new?”

          “Fine, mom’s doing the same,” I added even though he didn’t ask. The smile on his face faltered for a second but then went back to its original brightness. “The only thing really new is this,” I gestured to the area around us.

          “You’ll get used to it.” 

          “Maybe I will. Because I’m just running around everywhere picking up on ten years of magic.”


          “What?” I exclaimed, suddenly getting angry. “What excuse could you possibly come up with to fix what you’ve done? You lied to me for fifteen years; about half of who I am, no less!”

          “If you would let me explain-”

          “You should have told me! Something! Anything! I had the right to know what is going on with me! Were you even going to tell me?” I shouted.

          “I was going to tell you! As soon as you came home I was going to sit down with you and explain this all.”

          “Does Mom know? About this?” I asked in a quiet voice.

          “Yes,” he said just as quietly. My head snapped up.

          “What?” my voice quivering. “She knew? How long has she known?”

          “For a long time,” he answered. “I told her that I wanted to be the one to tell you.”

          I shook my head in utter disbelief. Before I could say anything, someone else barged into my room.

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