Chapter 17-Make Me Some Gorgeous Grandchildren

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Hi!! Oh, you're pissed.....

Imma go hide behind this rather large tree on the other side of the universe while you read this.


          I could feel it. It was coming-she was coming. Through the forest and then she could see out at the house, the large white house with balconies and large windows.

          My house.

          Black, beady eyes emerged from the night and I knew who it was instantly: the demon doe. She called out to me.

          Hello Amelia, long time, no see. I hope you haven’t forgotten that I can be closer than you think. She paused for a moment as if thinking how many secrets she should reveal. You’ll hear from me soon.

          Suddenly she lunged but then she was gone and I saw fiery brown eyes flash open.

          I bolted up and saw the orange wall staring back at me. My breathing was heavy and fast, taking in deep breathes for my racing heartbeat. My right hand fisted the sheets and then my sweaty palms felt the warm in the sheets, the warm that was fading quickly.  Bolting out of bed, I went searching for the person that shared the bed with me the night before. He needed to know that the demon doe was back. I burst into the hallway with things rushing about. Emotions bounced around my mind as I was unsure of my mood. Scrambling across the way I reached his door and swung it open.

          It was empty. The bed was made and I saw his closet door was open. When I looked into it I saw that several pairs of his clothes were missing. I ran the door and used the momentum to swing into Chris’ room. He was lying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling.

          “Chris, where is Alex?” I rushed out. His eyes swung their gaze to me and I could almost see a pull on his heart before he sat up.

          “There was an attack,” he told me, “a few cities up north of London. Alex was told to go check and investigate the area. I caught him leaving.”

          “When did he leave?”

          “Only a few minutes ago,” Chris said. I was out the door the second he finished his sentence. After sprinting down numerous hallways and down several flights of stairs, I vowed to practice running a lot more. My breathing was ridiculously heavy when I ran out the front door only to watch the iron gates close. Leaning against the doors large frame, I tried to catch my breath.

          “Mia!” I heard an exasperated voice call from behind me. Turning my head I saw my black haired friend jogging over to me. He stopped in front of me gave me a slightly confused look. “Mia, he’ll be back in a week. Don’t worry too much about him; he can take care of himself.”

          “Yeah,” I agreed.

          “Come along, Chloe offered to make breakfast,” he said leaning back on his heels. I nodded and followed him to the kitchen.

          They say that if you stare at a clock then time moves slower. The statement is completely true. As I was lying on my bed staring up at the ceiling I discovered that time moves very, very slow when you are constantly checking the time. I also found that the space open to me seemed too empty without someone lying next to me, which caused me to look back at the clock.

          “Only one more week,” I muttered to myself. “Seven days, one hundred sixty-eight hours. After that, you tell him about the dream.”

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