Chapter 2-Yeah, I don't think so

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 A/N Hey people thanks for reading my work! I'll try to update often but homework can get heavy. Tell me what you think and what you think and want to happen. Vote and comment!


          No more incidents followed during the flight however a baby started crying when the plane landed.

          As I walked towards the luggage carousels, I couldn’t help but feel followed. Maybe it was the fact that 60 other people needed their luggage too but I couldn’t shake it.

When I saw my red suitcase head down the conveyor belt I couldn’t help but get butterflies. I was in England. My feet began to tingle at the thought. Even though I missed, the chance at a fresh start was overwhelming. I slipped my ear buds on and began to listen to my iPod. The tingle intensified and I hopped from foot to foot.

I bit my lip and stuck my hands in my pockets to keep from dancing like an idiot around the airport. The suitcase inched closer. Control, Mia, control yourself, not now. That suitcase was coming any second now. My hand caught its worn side strap and I tugged. It barely budged. I started walking with it still trying to pull but it didn’t come off the belt. Panic flooded through me.

Crap! What if I can’t get it off? What will I do?

My breath began to quicken into short bursts. I felt a warm hand wrap around the one I had on the suitcase as it tugged it off the belt with ease. My eyes followed the hand until it set the case on the ground. They sped along the muscled arm attached to the hand, and then they ran across the solid looking chest up to a pair of soft green eyes. The owner of these eyes had blonde hair the curled in complicated patterns. He looked about six foot and he definitely worked out. Realizing our hands were still touching I blushed and drew back my hand.

“Thanks,” I said, pulling out my ear buds.

“Don’t mention it,” he replied. His voice was deep but soothing. “I’m Jason by the way,” he smiled.

“Amelia, but I go by Mia.”

“Amelia, that’s a very pretty name. My best guess says you are not from England. Are you on vacation or something?”

“Oh, no, I’m moving here from Chicago. Yeah, my dad is coming to pick me up.” His eyes widened.

“Really? That sounds rough.”

“It’s fine really. So what brings you here,” I asked while turning back to conveyor belt.

“Well, I used to live in California. My dad and I never really saw eye to eye so I just dealt with the problem and left.”

“Wow. Aren’t you going to miss him?”

“Not really. I’ll find a place here, get a job and live. I’m seventeen so it doesn’t really matter. In a few months I would have left anyway.”

I nodded trying to understand. Leaving home at seventeen? Was he crazy? It wasn’t my place to tell him what to do so instead I refocused my attention on retrieving my second item, my duffel bag.

“You haven’t seen a light green duffel bag coming down here have you?”

“I’m afraid I haven’t. Listen if you don’t get it on the second time it rounds, you go to lost luggage.” I simply nodded. “I’m sure it’ll come around. It was nice meeting you, Mia. Take it easy, ‘kay?”

“Of course. And if you need me at all you give me a call.” I stepped towards him fishing a pen from my bag. Once I found it I wrote my cell phone number onto his arm. “Thanks again.”

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