Chapter 9- Me

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          New chappie, my dears! I really felt the urge to write this week so I did and this is the results so I hope you enjoy! This chapter was also inspired by Hunter Hayes song "Storm Warning". You should check out his music he is a really talented kid!


          “Breathe. Just breathe. You can do this,” I chanted to myself. I cupped my hands over the flame and concentrated hard. The heat intensified, tickling my palms. My hands slowly moved away from the candle, the flame following suit.

And then it was like the flame was too close and like the flame was going to hurt me. No, it was to close and it was going to hurt me. I withdrew my hands hastily, unaware of the fire’s pretenses.

          The fire exploded outward, scorching anything it could touch. Except the only thing around for the fire to burn was me. The contact with my hands burned more than rubbing alcohol on a cut, sticking your hands in boiling water, and being squirted with hot frying oil combined. The blast had me sprawled on the floor. Every little movement of my hands, arms, and thighs stung. I totally made the right the decision to wear shorts and a tank top, didn’t I? (Sarcasm present) I groaned squeezing my eyes shut letting my back arch upward.

          “Mia? Mia? Are you okay?” Chris’ voice asked worried. His hands brushed my enflamed skin leaving behind a sting that had me yelp. “I’m sorry! Um… I’ll take that as a no.”

          “Leave her be,” Alex commanded with a voice clean of emotion.

          “W-what? Have you gone loopy? Half of her skin is burned to a crisp, and your telling me to ‘leave her be’?”

          “I don’t expect you to understand,” he muttered. His quiet footsteps echoed throughout the training room as he paced back and forth.

          “Then please explain it to me.”

          “Mia, get up,” Alex snapped. My eyes opened slowly in adjustment to the bright lights of the room. I struggled to tug my body into a sitting position, feeling the tingling sensation of my burned skin. Could I heal myself? I wondered.

          Chris sat beside me placing a gentle-yet sturdy-hand on my back, taking some of my weight. I grumbled a thank you, he simply nodded in response. My eyes flicked over to Alex, who was standing in front of me, staring me down intimidatingly.  He squatted to my level and held up his for arm to me his wrist bent facing in towards him. In a split second he flicked his wrist towards me and there on his index finger sat a one inch demonic flame from hell that was going to reduce me to charcoal.

          Look at yourself! You are scared of a small glowing heat source that keeps you alive! My mind yelled. I guess it was right. I mean, it was just a flame, nothing to be afra- oh shit! It just flickered; it must be trying to tell me something. Agh! Maybe it wants to kill me. No, it wants to kill me-without a doubt.

          I pushed myself away from the flickering flame, ignoring the intense burning in my palms. Chris stood in front of me in a protective state. His hand shot out shoving Alex’s shoulder hard. Alex’s gaze was fixed on me so much that he hardly even budged.

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