Chapter 69

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After lunch, while the girl's, Courtney and Olivia were entering the school, Olivia took Courtney's hand.
"I have to show you something, let's go to the band room."
Olivia looked excited and giddy, and Courtney was happy to oblige to whatever it was that she wanted to show her, seeing her this way made Courtney's heart speed up.

Guided through the halls full of students at their lockets getting their things for classes, Courtney noticed a few people watching. While Olivia was far too focused on the destination to really care, Courtney glanced at some of her peers walking past her. Watching their hands which were still connected. Some people talking to their neighbours, as if it were about them.
Had she just heard someone say Courtivia?
Courtney didn't really know what to think, however, she tried to drop the topic from her mind.
"What's this?" Courtney asked, grinning to Olivia. There wasn't notably anything new inside the band room.
"Me," Olivia whispered, smiling.
"I see," Courtney leaned forward and kissed her.
"I also have a story for you," Olivia grinned. Courtney held her girlfriend's hands, a lazy smile on her face.
"Really? Can I hear it?"
"That's the reason I brought it up." Olivia guided her to a spot on the floor. She moved a board over to show Courtney. Quickly moving some paper to find it, she figured to hide it in case anyone peeked inside and wouldn't immediately dive into Olivia's story.
It was important to her that Courtney saw it first, and only Courtney was to see it (aside from readers but she doesn't have to know that you're here, shh don't blow your cover).
"I wrote a story, and it's about a girl in high school."
The words were small and slanted and completely unorganized but it didn't matter. She already knew the story in her heart. Olivia sat down in front of Courtney and smiled.
"The story starts with a girl, named Olivia who started high school with her group of friends.

"And then she showed up," Olivia said, smiling deeply. She scooted closer to Courtney, who was paying her utmost attention to her girlfriend's story. "Another girl moved in, and wherever she went... Actually she mostly followed Olivia around," Olivia teased. Making Courtney laugh. "She just brought excitement everywhere with her. It was magical, she made Olivia's days brighter by being there. Courtney was persistent with Olivia and it was wonderful the way she was. It's just, Olivia was slow to see what she really wanted. She thought it was this thing that she was already hung up on, but it isn't. It's the excitement that radiated from Courtney. It's the comfort and fearlessness she feels. The way she gets lost in a place she wants to explore. How easy it is to lose herself in a person that makes her feel like she's found herself. Warmth in your eyes that you know exactly how to use in your hugs. How you call for an adventure in everything you say. It just took me a little while to know that it was okay to want to kiss your lips so often."
Olivia had moved closer, her voice grown smaller as she rested her forehead against Courtney's.
Gently, they kissed each other softly. With her eyes still closed, Courtney pulled away and wrapped her in a hug. Her heart had sped almost sporadically, and she felt as though it was only them in the world. That nothing existed out of the walls of the band room. That nothing existed outside of Olivia's arms.
"Things will take a while still to be comfortable and you might feel confused and worried sometimes. Not only because you're now in a gay relationship with a really gay person, but because I understand you haven't dated so much in the past okay? But I'm always ready to hold your hand and cuddle you when you're cold. Okay?"
"Okay," Olivia replied in a whisper.

"Thank you for the story Liv. I loved it."

And Then She Showed Up / Smosh Squad!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora