Chapter 25

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Courtney laid back down on Olivia's bed, pulling some of the blanket up and closed her eyes. She yawned, before struggling to turn around in her spot. Olivia sat up, grabbing her remote to turn off the movie.
Courtney fell off the bed in her attempts of turning around, because she overestimated the size of the bed.
"Fuck!" She exclaimed. Olivia moved forward, to peer off the side of the bed. Courtney sat up, looking like a child. Olivia couldn't help but laugh at that point. Courtney did her best to stifle her own laughter, but she couldn't help it.
"Fucking tiny-ass bed," Courtney muttered, as she stood back up. When she said it, Olivia felt this uneasy feeling of confusion. Feeling of attraction. Her smile slowly drifted. The feeling seemed to make her nervous. She looked to Courtney who had sat back down.
Olivia cleared her throat before grabbing for the cup of water.
"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Courtney asked, genuinely concerned. Olivia shook her head.
"I'm okay," she said, laying back down. Courtney nodded. "You're really cute when you swear," Olivia complimented. Courtney turned to her, wide-eyed.
"That's fucking cool. Maybe I should fucking swear more then huh?" Courtney said, grinning. Olivia laughed gently.
"Too much. It's like you're cussing all over the place."
"I guess you can say...I cussed all over you," Courtney mumbled. This time, Olivia got wide-eyed. Courtney simply chuckled.
"Sure," Olivia said, a bit uncomfortable. Courtney didn't hear it well.
"I don't think I've heard you swear yet," she noted. Olivia smiled off her weariness.
"I'll save it for when I need to."
"But is there really a time to swear? Like when you absolutely need to?"
"Probably," Olivia shrugged. She shifted a bit more in her spot and laid in her side. Courtney got a text message.
"Ahh shit," Courtney muttered, smiling at the profanity. "Kari knows I skipped."
Olivia looked up, remembering that Courtney should be at school.
"Are you gonna go now?"
"Not at all. She knows I skipped, but she doesn't exactly know where," Courtney said, smiling like a goofball. Olivia watched her, smiling herself as Courtney texted back.

"Okay, can you keep this from dear mother and father?" Courtney texted her sister.
"Why would I do that? You shouldn't be skipping."
"Well I'm with someone and I can promise it was only for today. Pleeeeeeeeaaasssseee?"
"Courtney Miller I am not condoning this behaviour."
"Did mom hack your phone? Is this mom? Is this dad? Mother? Father?"
"Seriously Court. Where are you? You still have time to make it to class before 1."
"Perhaps I do hacker. Too bad I'll miss it anyway."
"That's the real question. Where am I? Where am I going? Where are we all going? Is there really a final destination in life?"
"Don't pull existentialism on me. Where the hell are you hiding? Are you at a bar? Are you at a strip club? Are you doing dangerous drugs?"
"The hell would I be doing at either of those things?"
"Drinking? Working? Sorting out an addiction?"
"Why would i work at a strip club? I mean there's only near naked women there that'd id be working with and getting to know and also getting money to be around these women. I think you're into something here, I should drop out and work at a strip club!"
"Courtney. Don't. Are you actually at a strip club?"
"No I'm not Kari. I said I was with someone, I'm fine. I'm not doing drugs or drinking alcohol."
"With someone as in a girl like a strip club?"
"Don't go there."
"Courtney where are you? Who are you with?"
"Someone got sick so I ditched to take care of them."
"Seriously Courtney, unless there dying, get your butt to school."
"Well aren't we all dying?"
"You're a pain in ass."
"You owe me a million favours but I will let you off the hook if you let me have this."
"What the hell did I do other than let you into my house where I do a lot of things like a mother to you?!"
"Made me feel like shit over a girl I was just talking on the phone with. Like seriously, I want to be just her friend and you're trying to scare her off."
"Yes. Who does the phone sex anymore anyways?"
"Courtney Miller, I am letting you off the hook just his once. Where no one but you, me, and this person knows of this. Okay?"
"Alright, I'll see you some other time!"
"But if I hear of drugs, alcohol or strip clubs, you're grounded in my house."
"Please, says the person who let me have marijuana last week."
"Come home by 5."

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