Chapter 28

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Olivia made it to school on Friday,  having stayed home again yesterday. Courtney didn't come over again because of Olivia's demands that she shouldn't miss anymore school for her. She stood at her locker, thinking. She hadn't opened it yet, there was just something edging her to wait.
"Hey Olivia," someone called out. With her thoughts still ticking, she didn't process who called for her attention.
"Hey, you missed the last few days, everything okay?"
"Yeah...I wasn't feeling 100 percent, so I stayed home. I'm okay though, How're you?"
James smiled.
"I'm fine, I wanted to ask if you would want to go to a diner with me at lunch? You know, instead of staying here-?"
"That sounds cool, yeah I'd like to."

"Hey Court-Court," Olivia greeted, spotting the girl making her way down the hall. She went to her side and lightly brushed her elbow against Courtney's arm.
"Hey Olive, you look...Not sick," Courtney said. Olivia tilted her head a bit at her words. "I would say better but it would be implied that you didn't look good the last few days and that would be untrue."
"O-Okay I wouldn't have thought too much into it but thanks for the gesture," Olivia shrugged. Courtney smiled sheepishly, looking back forward through the halls as they navigated. "Well you look good. Notice how I didn't say today? Because it would be implied that you didn't look good any other day but that would-"
Courtney interrupted her by laughing.
"That was dorky."
"Must be why you did it first," Olivia snapped back, grinning.
"Okay that, was dorky."

Shayne groaned as he leaned back against a few lockers. Noah was beside him, getting a few of his textbooks organized.
"Everyone is talking about them! It's like they knew that Courtney skipped Tuesday to spend it with Olivia. They were crazy yesterday!" Shayne expressed, stressed out.
"Yeah, I know, I was here. I heard them as well as you did," Noah said calmly. "And at least it's all good stuff right? It's like this high school is advocating for LGBT people or whatever. I feel good." Noah rambled. Shayne stopped rubbing his eyes to look at his friend. "Okay, whatever. Let's talk to Anthony. He did start the whole 'gays are cool' motives around here right? Let's get him to stop all that too-"
"I'm not mad about that. I like that they're all...fine and..I don't know, accepting. It's just they all had to choose Courtney and Olivia."
"Hey, people don't choose to ship. They feel it. I think Courtivia would like the whole fandom thing. I mean they actually could be a can-"
"Stop, stop, stop. I don't know what the hell you're talking about anymore," Shayne sighed. Noah chuckled.
"We'll be fine, at least most people try to go behind Courtivia's backs," Noah said, starting to walk off.

Ian watched Courtney and Olivia playfully nudge each other before Courtney went into her class. Their laughter was light and friendly. It made Ian smile. He watched Olivia walk off grinning.
In a flash of hope, Ian thought they were actually more than friends. In that moment, he sort of wanted to become their friends. As far as he knows, Shayne, Noah, and Keith are trying to separate them or keep them friends. Ian wanted them to be together.
Anthony grabbed Ian's hand, making him turn his gaze to his left.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah. So umm, Courtney and Olivia...Still just friends?"
Anthony sighed. "Still just friends. You know, I think they are just really close or something," he said, looking back to the path that Olivia had disappeared down.
Ian followed his gaze. "I think you're wrong."

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