Chapter 65

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Still the Saturday
Courtney got Shayne's text, explaining that something came up. She didn't stress it too much, it's just now all three guys were busy, and Olivia was, to her knowledge, still doing her thing. Currently, the blonde sat in the kitchen, waiting but unsure what for.
Kari had gone out grocery shopping, so Courtney sat home alone.

Olivia knocked on the door, worried. Anxious more than anything really. Perhaps a bit sad as well. But once Courtney opened the door, she felt a surge of relief and excitement.
"The guys are busy," Olivia said, feeling her heart beat faster. "Are you?"
Courtney stared, doe-eyed. Blown away at the way Olivia looked. Astonishing, she completely forgot that she'd seen her that morning. "Never too busy for you," Courtney murmured, widening the door and gesturing for her best friend to enter.
Olivia smiled, making Courtney's heart melt.
There was definitely new feelings for Courtney. Her heart melting? Jess had never really made her feel that way. It almost made her feel like she was losing herself. When Courtney shut the door and looked back to the girl, she firmly realized that she felt more like she'd found herself.
"We need to talk," Olivia started. Her smile slowly faded, but never really left.
"Oh no, are you breaking up with me?" Courtney joked, she sat back at the island beside Olivia. Resting her elbows up, even though Olivia faced her. "What's up Liv? What's on your mind?" She shook her head. Obviously, in the eyes of Olivia, she saw that Courtney didn't exactly know how to approach their situation. She didn't blame her, really if she didn't like Courtney as much as she did she wouldn't have known where she wanted to start either.
"You're on my mind," Olivia stated, smiling adorably. Courtney blinked but couldn't help but to reciprocate it.
"As you are to me... In what way?" The blonde asked seriously. She cleared her throat, averting her eyes.
"A whole bunch of ways." Olivia paused. The silence made Courtney look back up, which is what the girl was trying to accomplish. "Aren't you going to ask?"
"Oh yeah, sorry I forgot. How are you?"
Olivia's face dropped dramatically, making Courtney laugh. "Court, we have to talk!" Olivia lightly tapped the blonde's shoulder. Of course, she was excited.
"Talk to me about how you feel then Thiefy. Answer my question, we are talking."

"I feel mixed emotions," Olivia started. She smiled a little sadly. "James and I talked. We broke up. But I'll be okay, I'm here for you." Olivia reached forward and glided her fingers onto Courtney's arm. It made the blonde freeze.
"Olivia Sui, I've waited for this," Courtney whispered, turning to face the girl. She was glowing, Olivia couldn't help but think of how astonishing she was. Completely amazing, she thought.
They looked at each other, for just a little bit. Olivia was about to say something, maybe to ask another question. Maybe ask how the girl felt but what kept her from doing was that she saw Courtney lean forward.

Closer they got to each other, the more they both realized how much they wanted to get to each other. There was this powerful tension that just felt so right.
"Courtney?!" The front door opened, Kari called from the entrance. "Can you help me with these groceries?"
The moment flew past them. With much dismay, Courtney sat back up straight, and so did Olivia.
Grumbling, the blonde stood. "Wait in my room, I'll be right there," Courtney directed. She paused for another moment in front of Olivia, and smiled.

"Okay Kari, I'll be in my room if you need me, I have a friend over so if you can help it- don't bother me," Courtney said hurriedly. She put the groceries away in under a minute, surprising her sister with her speed. She almost dashed away before her sister called for her attention.
"Woah, woah, woah. Wait I wanted to talk to you." Kari gestured to a seat at the island. Begrudgingly, Courtney dramatically trudged back to her sibling.
"What's on your mind?"
"You seem more like yourself," Kari noted, inspecting her sister jokingly.
"Well I feel better, I had time to myself. It's fine, I'm fine. Now I'm with a friend, can I get back to them?" Courtney asked, obviously in kind of a rush.
"Which friend? Do I know them?" Kari narrowed her eyes, teasing her sister.
"Yes, and I might go out in like half an hour. I'll keep you posted," Courtney explained. She stood up and slowly backed up, awaiting Kari's sign of confirmation.
"Okay then Court, it's Saturday I guess. Be a teenager, just text me, okay?"
"Yes! Okay," the younger of the two exclaimed. But once she got a few steps away, she stopped and turned back around. "And Kar? Thank you." Courtney ran back to give her a quick hug. "For being my cool older sister and letting me get away with things. Like yesterday." And once Kari hugged back, Courtney dashed off again.

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