I Have Been Tagged

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I was tagged by @BringBackMaes14  so here we go.

1) Do you like someone?

Umm...yes, I like him very much. He's sweet and shy but will say the most savage things at the funniest moments.

2) Do they like me?

I have absolutely no idea. I know he's not dating anyone, but the jury's still out.

3) Favorite OTP

WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE!? If I have to I guess I'd say Katsa and Po from the Graceling series. They are just so cute together and everyone deserves a man that will look at them like they're made of rainbows when they kill people.

4) Battery percentage?


5) Last anime I watched?

Blue Exorcist.

6) Favorite anime opening?

Either Resonance from Soul Eater or the first Attack On Titan opening.

7) Full name?

Ha-ha, no. I'm not giving my full name to anybody ESPECIALLY people on the internet. But here's most of it. B. Ann Foye.

8) Age?

I turned 17 in July. Man I feel old.

9) Height?

5'3. I'm taller then a Hobbit but still short so shut up.

10) Weight?

133 pounds.

11) Single or Taken?

Single as a pringle.

12) Favorite color?

Navy Blue

13) Grade/Year?

I'm a senior in high school. Officially a 12th grader.

14) Any pets?

Oh boy, fasten your seat belts. My family has a turtle named Moe, two fish (one named Dave and the other Yuka), a Pomeranian named Pumkin, and another dog named Pepper. However, Pepper is exclusively my dog while Pumkin is my sister's.

15) Dogs or Cats?

Dogs. I like cats but the feeling isn't always mutual like it is with dogs. Like there are cats that hate me but I can make friends with any dog.

16) Democratic or Republican?

Republican. I don't like the idea of the government being in charge of all my money or lifestyle. I do however support every aspect of free choice including religion, lifestyle choices, LGBT, and basically everything else except abortion. I think it should only be offered as a choice to those who would die from the pregnancy/birth or those who are only pregnant due to rape, abortion should never be used as a birth control method. Please don't go to war in the comments.

17) Favorite TV shows?

Merlin, Once Upon a Time, NCIS (Abbey is the best), Voltron, and I know these following can't exactly be distinguished between anime or TV but Teen Titans, Avatar the last Airbender, and Legend of Korra.

18) Favorite Holiday?

Halloween. No family drama, no obligations, just sugar and good movies like Halloweentown or TV shows like WolfBlood.

19) Sexuality?

Straight, late, and ready to participate.

20) Gender?

Female through and through.

21) Favorite accounts?

My bank account.

Just kidding @percysconstellation @Phantom-Warrior @trenchcoats-and-pie. 

22) Something I'm good at?

I have this thing where I know how to read people off of the smallest visual ques. It's just kind of an instinct I have.

23) Something I'm bad at?

I can't park worth a damn. Like seriously my sexuality is the only straight thing about me.

So thank you for listening to my non-sense. I'll tag the three above to keep this going. Good luck guys :).

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