"I must admit, you look beautiful. Especially that necklace, it makes you look radiant," his fingers ghostly touched her neck, trailing the diamonds with a smirk. 

Isabel's face formed into shock, as she moved her head away from his touch. Of course it was Harry, and she felt like a fool for not realising that sooner. 

"Why are you here? What do you want?" Isabel asked, as they continued to sway around the dance floor. 

"I'm a businessman Isabel, I'm simply here to invest," he chuckled. "Besides, I came to get back what is rightfully mine," he continued, squeezing her waist as a reminder of who he was. Though little did Harry know, Isabel was not the same innocent girl she was once. 

"I'm not yours Harry, and I never will be." 

Her sharp tongue was the one thing Harry did miss. The way she spoke her mind, that her voice was to be heard. He admired her passion and fire, it made her attractive. A woman who knew how to stand her ground, especially in the stereotypical world of men ruling the business world. Though Harry also knew that Isabel may be bold, but when it came to him she faltered. He tended to have that affect on people. 

A chuckle left his throat, as they continued to dance through the song and the next. "You've changed, but you forget who I am darling. You see," he began, taking a low breath, "you've always been mine. You always will be, no matter how hard you try." He grinned.

"Want to know a secret? When you left me all those years ago, you thought you were finally safe. Granted you lived in paranoia, and good thing you did, it made you smart and wary. But I have always known where you are, from that hotel room to your little flat," Harry spoke, as Isabel gulped. "I know about your job with Vance Publications, your friendship with Phil and that you like to run along the docks at five in the morning, trying to get back to your flat before six am," he continued. 

"I even know that the name of your neighbours cat is Tombs, that he likes to sleep in the corner of your living room. That you leave your bedroom window open, so he can climb in during the day. Darling, I know everything and it's offence that you have forgotten that." 

His eyes darted towards her, as he pulled her closer, his lips next to her ear as he bent to her frame. "You were foolish thinking you could truly escape me," Harry whispered. "You know what I am capable of, and I have waited almost three years for you. I just wanted to give you a false sense of security."

"Then if you know where I have been this whole time, why have you only just now made your move?" Isabel asked.

Harry brought back his head, spinning Isabel around before chuckling. "To see your shocked face, when you realised it was me. It was quite the sight, priceless angel." 

For three years, Isabel believed that she had out-witted Harry. That she had finally gotten away, but she should have known. Harry was capable of almost everything imagined by man. She should have realised that he was only toying with her. Taunting her mind, and she cursed herself for believing that she could live her life in piece. 

"So this is how it's going to go," Harry spoke, his voice changing as he went straight to business. "I have decided I am going to invest two and half million pounds into Vance Publications. That his office in London will be ready within a few days- since I've started it, and all expenses paid. You are going to move back to London, work in his office and we are going to go back to how we were."

Isabel stared up at him before letting out a breathy laugh. "What the hell makes you think I'm going to do that. You can't just snap your fingers and expect it to happen. I'm not coming back, I'm not going to be with you Harry. That isn't how it works-"

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