I really hope I can sleep tonight.

Once I got to bed I finally checked my phone. I could barely see my lock screen, there were so many notifications - missed calls, new messages, new voicemails, emails, DMs, everything.

I knew it had to be Morgan but I don't know if I can deal with this tonight.

Chaz POV

"Lonnie I'm scared." I whisper.

"I'm on my way! Stay on the phone."

The urgency in her voice was audible. I even heard screeching tires in her background. I hope she stays safe. I wouldn't want to be the reason she got into an accident.

A random noise sounded off. Out of fear I froze. I was petrified of the possibility of him getting up and coming after me again. Lord knows I couldn't handle any more abuse.

"Chaz?" The noise must've been loud enough for her to hear.

I was more focused on the man I thought was my father than what she was saying.

My heart rate was accelerating within every second I was waiting in the bathroom. It was getting harder to breathe. I could barely hold my body up. One second I could see black spots on the wall, the next everything was black.

I opened my eyes and all I could see was this bright light. I could barely open my eyes. I heard noises but I couldn't decipher where it was coming from. I could feel pain in my chest. As if I was being poked with a sharp object. Before I knew it everything went black again.

My eyes fluttered open slowly and I could see a wall. An unfamiliar yet familiar wall. I could tell I was no longer in the bathroom of my home.

As my eyes became accustomed to the amount of light coming through the window, I could finally move my eyes to observe my surroundings.

I knew I was in the hospital when I inhaled deeply. I could smell the scent of the hospital.

Suddenly, the door was opening.

It was her. Funny enough, the last time I remember we were in a room together was at the hospital.

"How you feeling?" She asks me.

Her voice being the first tune I hear after I wake is almost as satisfying as waking up to birds chirping on a peaceful Saturday morning.

"I'm feeling like I went back in time or I teleported." She scoffs. It wasn't enough to get her to smile but I did get a reaction.

"If I wouldn't have brought you here I would've been right next to you. I almost died from a broken heart seeing you so still on the floor. You wouldn't respond when I called your name or when I smacked you."

Ignoring the first half of her story, I drop my draw as a dramatic reaction. "You hit me while I was unconscious?!"

"Nah. I should've though." I can see her smile out the corner of her mouth.  For some reason she was holding back her full expression. I could see there was something really heavy on her mind.

There was a moment of silence as she wouldn't look up from her lap. She looked like a sad puppy with her hands in her pockets.


Then she sniffled.

Did that mean she was crying?

"I think should be asking you if you're okay." I said.

She sniffles again.

"I-" Unable to finish her sentence, there was obviously something wrong. I was going to be patient to let her talk when she was ready, so I gently grabbed her right hand out of her pocket and intertwined my fingers with hers.

"When I uh.." Again she sniffles. "When I..." Her voice was cracking. I couldn't remember the last time she cried in front of me.

"Just breathe first. It's okay. Breathe." I made sure that my fingertips were touching the back of her hand. The more I could give her a sense of compassion and comfort, the more at ease she could feel.

She takes her time to breathe, evening her heart rate to be as close to calm as she could be. Before continuing, she wipes her eyes with the inside of her shirt then sniffles again.

With a more even tone, she continues, "When I um.. saw you on the ground so.. close to lifeless. I felt like... I had already seen it before."

Now I know for sure I did not teleport into this hospital bed. Which is a bad thing because it means I don't have super powers.

She pauses for moment to take a breather then continues her pace.

"I had this dream" she lifts her head slowly, yet still unable to look in my direction. "-and it just.. showed me how much I need you. I can't imagine living in this world without you. I told myself if you didn't make it out of surgery then neither did I. I just can't live without my heart. I can't go one day without seeing you again. I'm not the same when I'm without you. I need you Chasity." She clinches harder on my my hand. 

"You're not my best friend." She continues. I almost felt hurt but she looks me in my eyes and it caught me off gaurd. I felt my stomach sink to my toes. "You're my everything."

I could feel my heart beat perpetuating and my face warming up. I was at a loss for words. I didn't know how to respond.

"I know that's a lot at once, but it was long overdue. If you don't have a response, I completely understand. Just know-"

I pulled the collar of her shirt towards me and let my actions speak louder than my words.

Her body hovering above mine as her lips fell perfectly on top of mine. The sensation that went through my body.. I felt something that was beyond physical. I felt complete. As if there was nothing missing in my life.

I even forgot completely that I was in a hospital bed.

Her hand gently placed itself on my neck just below my ear. Our lips parted yet I was still consumed by those feels. She kept her forehead on mine.

I grabbed onto the bottom of her shirt. I just couldn't get enough of this girl. Through all of our trials and tribulations, it was almost like she was a drug that I couldn't give up. She's my addiction and my weakness.

"I love you too Lonnie. I always have and I always will."


Was that overdue or perfect timing? ❤

I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for your votes. I love your comments. They always make me smile. Thank you for your support.

Stay Beautiful. ❤❤💫

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