50: The Little Secret

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Hinamori: Yuko. Daijobu?

Yuko: huh? I guess...

Hinamori: you don't look well... Maybe you should go visit the yon ban tai.

Yuko: don't want... I'm so going to get scolded again... By unohana...

Hinamori:  you've been sleeping a lot lately. Come on. Go.

Yuko: don't want!!

Hinamori: I'll go with you.

Yuko: don't want~~

Hinamori: I'll tell taichou about it.

Yuko: you can't betray me like that!! Nii-san will be so annoying!!

Hinamori; then go!!

Yuko: mmm... Fine... Go with me...
Unohana: Yuko.

Yuko sweatdrops and hides behind hinamori " here it comes..."

Unohana: congratulations!!

Yuko: huh?

Hinamori: congratulations...?

Yuko: hinamori... This is bad... Unohana has gone crazy...

Unohana: Yuko!! No nonsense from you!! No recklessness from you. No extrenous movements from you.

Hinamori: unohana taichou... What happened to Yuko?

Unohana: she's pregnant.

Hinamori turns around " Yuko!! Congratulations!"

Yuko:... No... Recklessness...

Unohana: that's right. No missions for you.

Isane: ha ha ha... It's actually not that serious. You can still do normal things before your tummy gets big. Until then, don't get yourself hurt. Just be very careful.

Unohana: isa-ne!

" Oh!!" And Yuko gives a thumbs up. And... She flash steps.

" Yuko!! " Hinamori chases after Yuko and flash steps " unohana taichou said, no extrenous movements!!"

Yuko: shiroro. I heard you're going to the world of the living because of kurosaki Ichigo. I wanna go to.

Toshiro: sure.
Hinamori: Matsumoto! Did you see Yuko?

Matsumoto: um. She went out with taichou to the world of the living.

Hinamori: that Yuko!!!

Yuko of All TradesWhere stories live. Discover now