15: Hirako?

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Shinji: hi everyone. My name is hirako shinji.

" Ooi ooi. It's written backwards." The teacher says.

Shinji: cool right? I'm really good at things like that.
Ichigo: hirako...shinji... You... Could you be... Related to Yuko?

Shinji: ah. That would be my imoto. (Younger sister)

Ichigo: so you are.

Shinji then demonstrates his skills to being able to use a hollow mask " you see. You belong with us. Join us. "

Ichigo: what... No!!!

Ichigo goes to the urahara shop " urahara. Is Yuko in?"

Urahara: well... She hasn't been dropping by lately. Why?

Ichigo: no... It's just... I saw her nii-san.

Urahara: eh... Is that so? I'll be sure to pass the message.

Ichigo: could you ask her to come look for me?

Urahara: oh sure.

That's when Yuko's laughs could be heard outside" hahaha... Nee-chan !!" And the door slides open " oh. Kurosaki."

Ichigo: Yuko. I've something to talk to you about.

Yuko: oh...
Yuko: what is it?

Ichigo: I saw your nii-san.

Yuko: oh...

Ichigo: I thought you were looking for me.

Yuko: I know lots of kido. You think a person like me can't find one shinigami? You must underestimate me.

Ichigo: so you knew where he was this entire time?!!

Yuko: well... Um. Wasn't difficult to track anybody I wanted unless you wanted to hide from me. I'm Yuko of All Trades. I know a little bit of everything. Tracking is easy.

Ichigo: I see... Then... Have you met him recently?

Yuko: no. Why?

Ichigo: well.... Is he a bad guy?

Yuko: he's annoying. To me. Always nagging me.

Ichigo: I see... Then... Then do you know .... Sighs. Never mind.

Yuko: what is it?

Ichigo: never mind.

Yuko of All TradesWhere stories live. Discover now