21: The Last One to Know

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Aizen : don't you aspire to be someone or something greater?

Yuko: I don't. I'm happy with what I have.

Aizen: you're happy with hitsugaya. I don't believe it. You're always on to doing something. Interested in something. You're curious. That's why you would throw your life to touch the hogyoku. No?

Yuko: I was curious. For the sake of defeating you and your friends.

Aizen: you're polite. To call them my friends.

Yuko: we're just on different sides. They're not bad.

Aizen: I still can't let you go. I'll send you back safely if you tell me what you tried to see.

Yuko: I tried to know what you have done with the hogyoku. What you were planning.

Aizen : that's not all of it. Don't be stubborn.

Yuko: I'm that stubborn.

Aizen: I see... Must I make you fall in love with me so you'll tell me?

Yuko: just like you did with hinamori?

Aizen: she sent her to myself. It was pure coincidence.

Yuko stands up " you're annoying. I'm leaving." And she leaves.

Aizen: hmph. Stubborn.

They were going to go back when Luppi had to say a last sentence " I feel sad for you. Your girlfriend has to be our captive. I'll be sure to torture her when I go back!!"

Toshiro flash steps to urahara " urahara kisuke!!!"

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Toshiro flash steps to urahara " urahara kisuke!!!"

Urahara: ..... I had to. She wanted me to do so.

Toshiro: tsk... *Clenches fist*

Urahara: she doesn't want anyone to go to her.

Toshiro: next time you tell me. You tell me everything!!

Urahara:... I understand.

Yuko of All TradesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ