6: A Butterfly

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Ichigo had woke up from his rest. He sees Yuko sitting by his side eating chocolate " hi hi. "

Ichigo: who are you?!!

Yuko: Hirako Yuko desu~

Yoruichi in cat form walked over " don't worry. She's on our side."

Yuko: you're quite the daring and stupid one. To just take on kuchiki byakuya. His senbonsakura are a pain in the ass to deal with.

Ichigo: ... Arigato?

Yuko: yoruichi said you want to save kuchiki rukia. But with your shikai skills, you're courting death.

Yoruichi: that's why we're going to have him learn bankai.

Yuko: you're going to use that way? That shortcut. He might die.

Ichigo: I'll do it.

Yuko claps her hands " oh. Brave."

Ichigo: but... How are you going to teach me? In that form...

Yoruichi turns into human form and Ichigo has small nose bleed " put on some clothes!!!"

Yoruichi laughs " I never get tired of the reactions I get from men for this."
Yuko: so you guys would be learning bankai. I'll be on the lookout then.

Yoruichi: it will be hard on you. Arigato.

Yuko: it's ok.

Yoruichi: this is a good timing. Ichigo. You should watch what a bankai looks like.

" Bankai. Kaze no tsubasa, chou no teien" She drops her zanpaktou and the blade turns into butterflies. One of them lands onto ichigo's shoulder.

 One of them lands onto ichigo's shoulder

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Ichigo: they're so pretty...

Yuko: really? Arigato.

The butterflies then fly out and spreaded themselves out.

Ichigo: where are they going?

Yuko: to do a little surveillance.

Toshiro puts his hand out and the butterfly landed on his finger " this butterfly... Yuko. Yuko. You can hear me right?"

She could. She brought her attention to the one butterfly that toshiro spoke to.

Toshiro: I know. You didn't intend for it to fly to me. But you told me before, your butterflies represent a part of you. That means... You're worried for me. Nah?

She didn't respond.

Toshiro: could you leave this one butterfly for me?

The butterfly flew off his finger and onto his shoulder. He smiled as he knew that would mean she was listening. Or at least he believed so.

Just then he heard coughs from the butterfly.

Toshiro: Yuko!! Daijobu?!!

Yuko: um. Stop talking to me. I don't want anyone to know.

Toshiro: how long have you had your bankai on?

Yuko: stop talking to me. I'm fine.

Yoruichi: how are things?

Yuko: so far so good. I've been trying to track aizen... But it's like he really doesn't exist.

Yoruichi: but you don't believe that.

Yuko: um... Ichimaru Gin and Kaname tousen has been destroying by butterflies. Difficult to track.

Yoruichi: oh. Gin. You friends with him?

Yuko: he owes me money. He teases me... Ok... A bit friend.

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