37: A Request from Toshiro

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A dark aura creeps up from behind " I heard the reckless things you did~ hirako Yuko. "

" Haha." Yuko hides behind isane " ha ha... Unohana... taichou... What are you doing here?"

Isane: taichou... Forgive her.

Yuko: I'm fine now!! Fine now!!

Unohana: please be more careful.

Yuko: Hai!!!

Soi Fon : Yuko.

Yuko: soi fon taichou?

Soi Fon: I have something to propose.

Yuko: that is?

Soi Fon : would you be my fukuchou?

Yuko: eh?!!! No thanks. Because of this you came all the way from squad 2?

Soi Fon : you're a lot better than that useless fukuchou I have.

Yuko: no thanks. I don't like responsibilities.

Soi Fon : then... How about san seki?

Yuko: nope!!

Soi fon : still the same answer I see... Sighs... I would really like you to transfer to my squad though.

Yuko smiles " you think too high of me. "

Yuko: you called me for?

Toshiro:... Hinamori... Could you help her?

Yuko: help her? How?

Toshiro: use that bankai you have. Kufuku no cho.

Yuko: Kurotsuchi told you neh. That annoying... I can't.

Toshiro: why?

Yuko: kufuku no cho only restores reiatsu. It can't save the physical organ injuries hinamori has. Of course... It can help with the damage her soul has taken. But...

Toshiro: but?

Yuko: I would have to eat a soul and change it to fit hers.... That would mean...

" You would have to sacrifice a soul. " Toshiro continues.

Yuko: um... Gomene... I know... This part of my bankai is cruel.

Isshin: why are you so sad again?

Yuko pouts and drinks " sighs... The way he screamed... When hinamori got stabbed... Will he do the same for me?"

Isshin: you're so troublesome . You got to have faith in him. Faith.

Yuko: ... Mmmm.... I know it's my fault... Cos I don't hang around him a lot... But.... Mmmm.... I want him to love me more...

Isshin: you're so picky.

Yuko: shut up!!

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