5: Us

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Toshiro: uhno!

Yuko: Hai?

Toshiro: your eyes...

Yuko: Hai?

Toshiro: gomen. (Sorry) they're green...

Yuko: yours is blue.

Toshiro: um.

Yuko: ah!! I almost forgot!!

Isshin ( kurosaki ) : Yuko!!!

Yuko: oh crap. Oh crap.

Isshin: there you are!! You said we could go drinking later.

Yuko: my nii-san said no. It's not even part of the job!!

Isshin: he's so uptight.

Yuko: you think I wished to die together with him? Too bad. I'm stuck with him forever.

Isshin sighs " so boring."

Toshiro: taichou. She's a new member of ours?

Isshin: no no. She didn't transfer. We just made a bet. She lost. So she had to come here work for 10 years.

Toshiro sweatdrops " a bet?"

Isshin: um. Everyone got to use her because she wanted to learn things. She never came to my squad. So hehe~

Yuko: hmph!!

Toshiro: I see. San seki, hitsugaya toshiro desu.

Yuko: oh. Squad five, san seki Hirako Yuko desu.

Isshin pats onto her head " she used to be a fukuchou. But she gave her seat away to some lad."

Yuko: who wants all that responsibility. I like this one better~~ heh heh.

Toshiro: did anyone get scared of your eyes?

Yuko: well... my nii-san would chase those people away. I only have nii-san. So I'm fine. Until I met the other taichous. They're all really nice people.

Toshiro: I see.

Yuko: want to make friends?

Toshiro: eh?

Yuko: we could be friends. We both have weird eye colours. Then if you needed anything from me, I would help you.

Toshiro: um. Friends.

Yuko : yay!! My first friend who's not a taichou!!

Toshiro: me too.

Yuko: toshiro. You'll never betray me right?

Toshiro: why would I do that?

Yuko: I don't mean by backstabbing that kind of betrayal . I mean by... Getting influenced by others and then stand on other's side to go against me. Because... You don't have a stand so you get influenced. I don't want that kind of betrayal. I rather you fight me for your own... Then for others.

Toshiro: Yuko...

Yuko: I promise I won't do that.

Toshiro: I won't.

Toshiro: so... Today is your last day here.

Yuko: um.

Toshiro: Yuko.

Yuko: hm?

He blushed " .... Daisuki."
(I like you )

Her eyes widens " toshiro..."

Toshiro: could you be my...

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted with a " no. " He was shocked. He could tell that she was crying internally. Her eyes were threatening to flow with tears but she held back with clenches of her fist. She bit on her lips.

He wanted to ask why. But she said again " no. No. No. Don't ask anymore. I'm going off."

It was only the next day he heard what had happened. Her nii-san had died the night before . So he went to look for her again...

Toshiro: Yuko.

Yuko: no. No!! No!!!

He walked over and hugged her " you can cry all you want." She cries really hard as she hugs him.

Toshiro: promise me whatever revenge you take, don't break the rules of soul society. I don't want you to die. .... Just take it... For me... For us.

She had cried so hard she fell asleep... Till the next day...

Yuko: toshiro. You need to return to squad 10.

Toshiro: um.

Yuko: .... There is no us.

Toshiro pov:

No us... Now I think of it... Was she talking about the relationship? Or the promise?

I don't know. After that day... She pretended nothing happened. Everything resumed back to the day we only met as friends.

No... Lesser than that. Just taichou and subordinates. She no longer tells me her thoughts anymore.

Sometimes I even think she's avoiding me...

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