23: She's Back

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Aizen gives her a kiss on the forehead " you're heading back now. Will you miss me? As your taichou at least."

Yuko: ..... I was always wary of you. Is that counted?

He smiles " not really. Miss me as a person."

Yuko: .... I will try.

" Arigato. Now... Before you hate me. I'm going to get a kiss from you. " He leans in...

Yuko: eh?

And he kissess her lips... For some reason... She complied. She pitied him in some way. That he was lonely.

Aizen: ulquiorra.

Ulquiorra: Hai.

Aizen: take her to the living world.

Ulquiorra: I understand.

Ulquiorra: as ordered. We've reached.

Yuko: arigato. I can make my way back from here.

Ulquiorra: you are kind. No wonder aizen-sama has his eyes on you. You worry for my safety.

Yuko: we're not enemies yet. Or at least... Not now for me.

Ulquiorra: so you're saying you'll kill me the next time you see me?

Yuko: if you doubt my determination, then I'm sure that doubt will kill you.

Ulquiorra: I understand. I'll return now.

Yuko: um.

Yuko: urahara-nii. Nee-chan.

Urahara: Yuko!!

Yoruichi: Yuko!!! You're back!!

Urahara: he let you back?

Yuko: um. Convinced him to.

Yoruichi hugs Yuko " you scared us. I'll get hanataro to get eyes for you. "

Yuko: arigato.

Toshiro heard the familiar laughs from the girl he didn't seem to know. He called out from afar " Yuko."

The girl turned around " oh! Toshiro!"

The girl turned around " oh! Toshiro!"

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It was her. She looked the same. Except... Her hair had turned white and her eyes had become blue. 

Yuko: oh... Yea... Hanataro said I got too much stress and my hair became white. These blue eyes are new eyes hanataro got me. I'm kind of like you now!!

He walked to her side and stretches his hand out... He touches to the ends of her hair... It was white... He strokes to her face from where her eyes were to down her cheek... He hugs her " Yuko..."

" Toshiro..." She squeezes him back.

Toshiro: it's like you've become old after a while.

Yuko: toshiro still wants me right?

Toshiro: I still want you.

Yuko of All TradesWhere stories live. Discover now