Hey I Have A Question.

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How does that look? 🔝

It's called:

My Little, Abandoned Omegas.

Here's the description:

"Help us..."

I look down, seeing two twins sitting on the ground, backs leaning against the wall.

As it rains I can see them trembling pitifully in the cold rain, as I was warm under my umbrella.

They both clung to one another and it made me remember when I was younger and loved my sibling... Now seeing people with their siblings sickens me.

"I will be of no use to help you Omegas." I say with a sneer at the edge of my voice, smirking as I feel satisfied.

As I walk on, my feet become planted in the ground. My expensive boots become flooded with rain as I can't seem to move from my spot.

But this smell...

No, it can't be.

I feel claws growing slowly, my breathing becoming heavy as my vision blurs in this already blurry world.

I twist around, seeing those twins looking up at me with horror in their eyes.

I start stepping towards them.

"Stay away, please!" One of them gets up, standing in front of other, trying to protect his weaker twin.

I grab his wrist, my claws sinking into his skin. His skin becoming pale as my teeth grind.



What'd you think of that?

I heard someone recommend these two, I never heard of these two until now.

Dobre twins right? So cute!


There's also Yale and Edward. I have yet to come up with a cover for them. So, I'll just give a description:

From 1981 to 2017, I met a man named Eddie, but his real name is Edward Jones. I'm Yale Grey, and everyone loves and knows the Grey name. Except...him. And I never knew that this Jones character would be my best friend...and my mate.

But since we're both men...our families are desperately trying to tear us apart. And because of that events happen that I can't and won't take back.

The thing is...does Eddie Jones love me as much as I love him?


(Comes from My Alpha Twin Students Are My


Which one do YOU prefer.

If the first choice,

COMMENT HERE 👣 and why - if you want.

Or the second choice,

COMMENT HERE 👬 and why - again - if you want.

Luv ya!!!!!😁😜😘

( I've decided to write the one at the top so I have written two chapters already so...don't be afraid to look! And if you want I will continue to write this if you want)

My Alpha Twin Students Are My Mates [ BOOK I & II ]Where stories live. Discover now