3. Why is it So Hard?

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It is around lunch for the students, holding my bag as I was planning on getting lunch. But I need my necklace, and the last two people that had them were the twins. And it's the fact that I left and carelessly left the necklace with them.

I enter the cafeteria, looking around, seeing two guys in matching shirts walking outside. Immediately I rush over, and as I get closer I sense that it's the twins. Before I can get their attention they turn around, seeing the reaction on their faces just showed that they know why I'm here.

"Reed. Sawyer. I need to speak to the both of you...please." Some of their friends look at them with smirks on their faces, and that makes me uncomfortable. What have these two told people?

"Okie Dokie." Sawyer says, and I turn around, hearing them follow me. I make sure we out of sight of students, resulting in us being on the school roof.


"What?" Oh they want to play dumb?

"Necklace. Where is my necklace!? You two were the last ones with it, in that nurses office! Where is it?!" I find myself losing my temper when I see that their faces are still looking dumbfounded.

Reed lays down his lunch, taking Sawyers as well.

"There is no need to yell. We are right here."

"I am your teacher and I want to know where my necklace is."

"We know you're our teacher! Do you know that you're our mate?"

"You've said it way to many times for me to simply forget!" I fold my arms, remembering the many times they've reminded me of those words...

But then I look at their matching clothes, a smile coming on my face, making me roll my eyes. Red, white, and blue; long sleeved in this hot weather; the brand Champion.

"Nice shirts." I say, Sawyer wrapping his arm around Reeds neck, both of them giving me a surprisingly...sexy smirk.

"We have one more at home if you like them so much," suddenly they were next to me as they circled me," It might be a little baggy, but it'll still look nice if it's you. But, the necklace won't match."

I then remember that I was here for the necklace.

"Why is this so hard..." I whisper, shaking my head.

"Nothing's hard...right now..." I cringe, seeing Reed slap the back of Sawyers head.

"But he is right," Reed agrees, winking at me," We can make something hard real quick."

I feel like a boiling tea kettle, and now the fuse is about to explode.

"Give me the necklace!"

They start laughing, and it annoys me even more.

I am hungry and all I want to do is eat my Meatball Marinara from Subway. I have wasted ten minutes arguing with these twins. I don't have time for arguing!

"Let's make a deal."

"I don't make deals! I want my necklace!!"

"Okay. You'll get the necklace if you go to the state park with us this Saturday."


"And you'll see that we're mates. If you win and don't fall in love with us, you get your necklace. If you lose - which you will - you become our mate and tell us the story about the necklace and show us what is inside."

I sneer, knowing there's a State Park Festival called October Fest here in California. The park is big and exciting and has these amazing fried Oreos.

These guys will obviously lose, but I can't help but feel like something will develop. That this awkward but powerful force between us will just spreading like a wild fire.

"Fine. But this isn't a date."

"Yeah it is."

"No it isn't." I turn around, satisfied with this deal. But then I feel like I signed off to the devil...


"Something's wrong with this equation." I glare at Ms. Peyton as I watch her leave the school roof.

Two minutes later those damn twins exit too, both talking about something that I don't give two craps about.

"I thought she was my mate - no, she is my mate! No woman has spoken to me like that and have such pride! When I finally find a girl perfect enough that fits my image, those twins have to say she's their mate!" I look at the other three, their faces confused.

These dumb Alphas.

"How are we friends?" I mutter, knowing they didn't hear me.

"Give me something," I move my finger, resting it on Fox," you."

Fox looks around for answers, but they look away apologetically.

"You can...um...try to go to the festival and barge in on their date and take the necklace. Then you can seem like the bigger person and win her heart in the process - it's just from the top of my head!"

I blink, smiling at his answer.

"That is one of the smartest things I have heard come out all of your mouths. See people, learn from Fox and his 2.9 GPA average." They all clap, making me roll my eyes. They don't get it.

But Fox did have a good point. If I was to show up I can barge in on their "date" and try to win her over. And since I'm a Grey my natural luring in by sex drive - like my dad - should be in me too. It is in me.

"Guys." I say, grabbing their
attention." We have a festival to crash."

"That's cheesy."

I look at Harry, making him lose confidence in a heartbeat.

"Harry...don't fuck with me."

"Yes sir..."

Ahh...it's great to be a Grey.

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What is Niko Grey up too?

Will Clover realize that the twins are her mates,

or get her necklace back and the twins aren't her mates?

What. Will. Happen!!!???

Luv ya!!! 😘😜😁

My Alpha Twin Students Are My Mates [ BOOK I & II ]Where stories live. Discover now