12. Purple Hair & Leather Jackets

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"What happened?" The twins touched my hair, that was no longer long and curly.  No short and cut into a flared, boring, black bob.

"You can thank my poor painting skills for this." I remember back on when I was in the house, painting Alex's room. His lazy ass...

Last Night...

"Blue? You want your room to be blue?" I look at Alex as he holds out a paint brush full of blue paint. In his other hand is the paint itself.

"Yes. White just isn't doing it for me. I want to wake up and see the blue and think...I'm outside..."

I look at him, annoyance present on my face. Is he seriously asking me to do it? This our room.

"I don't want to wake up and think I'm outside. That makes no sense."

"You know what else doesn't make since? That you smell like three guys imprinted on you in a mater of a month! You hoe. And I bet they're all high schools too."

"Don't fuck with me gimme!" I snatch the brush from him, but he tries grabbing it back.

"Don't snatch it's rude."

"Give me the brush!" We practically wrestled with the brush, until he suddenly let go, having me fall back into the wet blue wall. The brush landing on the left side of my hair, the bristles mixing into my curls.

I didn't even want to say anything. I looked to Alex, a grin on his face as he turned around. Walking off, I tried pulling this damn brush out my curls, only feeling myself pull on my hair.

"No, no, no, no, no..." I pulled off the wall, seeing all of the back of my hair being covered in paint until it got to my shoulders. Some of my hair slicked to the wall, and I know for a fact I can't get this paint out washing my hair...

"My gosh! Alex!" I scream, running to the bathroom and grabbing scissors. I looked at my long hair for the last time, and then grabbed a chunk of my hair. Cutting across as finally my hair fell to the ground by the weight of the brush. Looking at this crap...

"Alex you son of a-."


"Yep. I'm not really in the mood right now. So I won't be as nice and understanding as usual. So don't expect it."

The twins had a smile on their faces, grabbing my hands.

"What's your favorite color?"

"I don't have a favorite color-."

"Just chooses!" I rolled my eyes, thinking back on when I was a child. How much I loved purple and wished all my life to have a purple castle and marry a prince with a purple suit...

"Purple." I mumble, Reed nodding.

"We will fix...that for you." He ran his hand over my hair, pulling me along with Sawyer behind.

"What are you gonna do?"

"Me? If I do it your hair will fall out. I'm taking you to a good friend of mine who can give a mean dye job."

My Alpha Twin Students Are My Mates [ BOOK I & II ]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu