Chapter Eleven

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|Vic pov|

I wake up in the morning and I'm in the back lounge. Why? Then I look over and I see Kellin sleeping next to me without his shirt on. And then I remembered what happened. I don't have anything on either. I stay put I have no energy to really move anyway.

I just lay here then I hear shuffling and I felt Kellin move and then hear him yawn. I pretend to be asleep. I hear him move closer to me and wrap an arm around me. He yawns again and then sighs. Now he starts talking.

"Wow" he whispers.

"That actually happened" he continues to whisper then he giggles. Oh my god that was adorable.

"I've missed you, so much" he says quietly. Then I feel him take my hand and hold it.

After Kellin's confession, I don't know what to think. Am I really getting feelings for him again. Well after last night, I can't help it.  Then I decide that I should make myself known that I'm awake. So I shift and yawn myself.

"Good morning Vic" he says. Still holding my hand.

"Morning" I tell him.

I get up and put my boxers and t shirt back on and I head to the bathroom. Fuck it's locked. I bang on the door.

"Open up" I yell.

"Calm your tits Fuentes" I hear Jaime say from the other side of the door.

Then he opens it and walks away. Then I go in and do what I have to do. Then I leave and go back to the back lounge and check on Kellin. Hopefully he's dressed by now. I have to get him to talk now, I didn't really get much out of him last night when he just showed up.

I walk in and knock as I enter and I saw him sitting up still under the blanket I put over him last night.

"Have you gotten dressed yet?" I ask. He shook his head.

"Please do it now, I don't want the guys to get any ideas, you know" I say awkwardly.

"Ok" he says.

"Want coffee? I'll go make some" I ask. He nods and I leave to make coffee.

"Hey Vic" I hear Mike say. I immediately tense he knows something.

"Oh, hey Mike" I say nervously.

"Dude why you so tense?" He asks hitting my arm playfully. I relax a bit.

"I'm making coffee, yeah, coffee, what some?" I ask him.

"Sure?" He says and I go back to doing that. I made the coffee and Mike took his and I took mine and the one back to Kellin, I remember how he likes his.

He was dressed when I went back in there and I hand Kellin his mug and he thanks me and we just sit there in an awkward silence just sipping at our coffee. I finished dressing, then I get up and leave to put my mug back in the kitten to clean later. And I just sat at the table with Mike and now Tony. Jaime was somewhere. Then I hear footsteps coming out from the back of the bus.

"Hey Kellin, I totally for got you were here" Mike jokes.

"Yeah me too" Tony chuckles along with Mike.

"Hey guys. . ." He says. "Uh Vic can I talk to you outside?"

I hear the guys ooh, at us like children and I blush but get up and flip them off and I follow Kellin off the bus. I have a funny feeling about this, even though I have a very good idea what he wants to talk about. It definitely has something to do with happened last night.

I didn't actually feel like talking about it but I know I have to. I just can't believe it actually happened again, I haven't been that close to him since high school. I wish I could read his mind so I know what I'm getting myself into here. He said something about his wife last night, but then everything went down and I forgot what he said about her.

"Before you say anything, just don't freak out Vic, but I want you to know that you didn't cross any imaginary line or whatever, ok, if I didn't want it I wouldn't have ignited it ok, so you've got nothing to worry about. Just so you know I liked it and I really missed that about us" he admits to me.

"Kels, I did too and I missed you, but why? Like I remember you saying something about your wife and needing distraction, but I don't remember what you said after. Please explain it'll make this easier for me to come to terms with without guilt" I say to him.

He stiffens and shoves is hands in his pockets and stands there kinda awkward but goes on explaining.

"Ok well I got a video of Katelynne, my wife cheating on me alright, then I showed the guys and they didn't do anything, not that they could. But when I tried to call her she didn't answer. So that like confirms it right? But anyway then I called you and I walked to your bus after I made our driver pull over" he finished.

"I'm sorry about what happened, but how was us hooking up supposed to help?" I ask.

"I don't know. . ." He says running his fingers through his hair. ". . . I just didn't want to think about that anymore and maybe seeing you again on this tour has brought back those feelings from high school, and maybe I never stopped loving you, I miss you Vic" he admits in a distressed voice.

My mind goes blank at his confession.

"Kels, I don't know what to say, how can I expect anything out of this, whatever this might be, when you have a family back home, I can't be responsible for breaking that up, I may not have stopped loving you either and I miss what we had too, but I don't know what you want out of me" I explain.

"I understand that" he says sadly.

"Look I don't mean it in a bad way, I still love you Kels, but go back on your bus, think this outside and what you want to do about it and then get back to me on it ok, you know where I am, I'll always be here for you"

"Ok, I'll think things over and I'll call Kate, but for now let's pretend nothing's going on I don't want the guys to find out, at least until we're both sure what's going on ok" he say.

"Deal, lets go" I say and we head back on the bus and we continue our way to the venue we're all preforming at tonight.

We got back on the bus and the guys didn't even notice us get back on, it's times like these I'm glad my band is slow at catching onto things. So I sat on the couch and put on the tv to watch a movie. Kellin sat down with the guys to play a game of cards with them. Eventually, Tony comes over and sits next to me, then falling asleep.

A couple hours later we arrive and the BMTH bus and the SWS bus were already there and I can see Kellin's bandmates standing outside the bus worried for him. Cause Kellin did mention that he left his phone on that bus so they couldn't reach him and I didn't have any of their numbers so, I think I should just in case but I'll worry about that another time.

Then we all head inside for sound check and get ready for the show. I can already see the line forming out front.

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