Chapter One

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|Kellin pov|

9 1/2 years later
Nov. 2009

"Katelynne! Katelynne!" I shouted excitedly for my wife running into my house.

"Shhh, Cope is napping" I hear her voice coming from the kitchen.

"Sorry, but I have great news" I say to her.

"We just got signed to the label! And you'll never believe this, we go into the studio and start recording tomorrow and we're to open for Bring Me the Horizon on their U.K./European tour in three months!" I tell her excitedly.

"That's great sweetheart" he said, even though it sounds disappointed.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Nothing, nothing I'm really proud, you'll finally have your dreams of being a rockstar come true" she says.

"Thanks love, now need help with dinner?" I ask.

"Sure the boys should be home from school any minute" she says.

"Ok let me change, I'll be right back"

I walk upstairs to our bedroom and I change then I slip into my baby girl's room and give her a small kiss on the forehead and then I leave to help Katelynne. Then ten minutes later the boys walk in.

"Hello boys how was school" Katelynne asks them.

"Fine" I hear them say. Typical answer.

"Nuhuu, no tv, dinners going to be ready soon" she says to them. I hear them groan. Typical.

"Rowan, can you wake up your sister from her nap, and Liam can you come here and set the table" I tell them. They do what I asked them to do.

Then I hear the small pitter patter of little feet running in.

"Dada!" Cope calls to me.

"Hi baby girl" I say hugging her as she came to me.

"No, dada, I'm a big girl" she says in her cute voice.

"Of course sweetie, how could I forget" I say joking with her.

Then I set her in her high chair. Once Liam was done setting up, dinner was done cooking and we all sat around the table, and we started eating and talking about our days to each other.


|Vic pov|

9 1/2 years later
Nov. 2009

"Come on Vic you going to finish writing the last two songs for our next album? We have to start recording them soon" my brother Mike asks me.

"Yes I know, I will, it's just Cara is just really getting on my nerves lately" I tell him.

"Your girlfriend Cara?" He asks. I glare at him.

"No, Mike our grandmother, of course my girlfriend Cara who else?" I say sarcastically. I swear he's so dense

"What did she do?" He asks.

"I don't know I just don't feel like we're in sync anymore, she's always fighting with me now, should I just break up with her?" I tell him.

"But you guys have been dating for like two years" he states.

"Yes, I know Mike, I just don't know what to do" I tell him.

"Well talk to her about how you feel and maybe things will be different" he says.

"We'll see" I say trailing off.

"Anyway, try and get the last songs done soon, oh and I got a call from our manager saying that we're going to tour with Bring Me the Horizon in a few months. Our album is due to release over the summer, with at least one single out by the time of the tour" he tells me.

"Ok, that's great I'll get working on it" I say.

"Ok see ya bro" he say then leaves.

"Bye" I say.

Maybe I should try and call her, I know she's at her friends bachelorette party and she said to not bother her while there, but she is my girlfriend. Then without a second thought I dialed the number, and it rang and rang and rang until I heard the voicemail. Figures. I guess I should get some sleep, I'll talk to her in the morning.

But as I'm laying in bed I keep getting this weird feeling in my gut, like she needs me or something like that. So I try and call her again, still no answer, but the party should be over by now, why isn't she answering my call. We still live in different apartments, she has some stuff here, and I have some there, but I share this place with Mike. I look at the clock, it's not too late maybe I'll pay her a surprise visit.

I slip on my shoes and I grab my jacket and I head out the door. Mike's nowhere to be seen so, I'll take his car for now, he's blocking me anyway so it's his own fault. Anyway, I head over to her place, she gave me a key so I can just walk in. I saw her car in the parking lot and her bag is here, so she has to be here. I passed the bathroom empty, all that's left is her bedroom.

I open the door only, I wish I hadn't.


A/N: Ok I probably didn't mention this before but this story will move fast there are going to be a lot of time changes. I didn't mention that before but yeah. So just be aware of that I may not always mentioned when time lapses are so. Yeah. Stay awesome =)

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