Chapter Seven

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|Vic pov|

*One weeks later*

We're wrapping up our time here in Spain, currently in Madrid, we also did one here last night too, but this for the last show. We did two shows in Barcelona and one in Valencia. Spain is cool, like I know that there's a lot of history here. We had off a couple days ago so we that usual tourist thing cause it was all our first times in Spain.

It's still really early to get read for the show, it's like 3 in afternoon, Kellin and few of his bandmates are hanging out on our bus, along with Oli. Kellin and I have been getting closer as friends, whether that's good or bad, I don't know yet. I was talking to Kellin when his phone rang.

". . . sorry let me get this" he said. I nodded then answering his phone. Only it was a video chat.

"Dada!" I hear a screech through the phone.

"Hey, baby girl" he says, so it must be is daughter.

"I'm a big girl" she says.

"Sorry Copeland, where's your mama?" Kellin asked her.

Then she shows the phone away from her to a pretty dark haired woman. That's his wife, damn, know I feel really guilty. I could never complete with that. Wait what? I was never in the running, at least anymore.

"Hey Kate, hi boys" he says.

"Hey!" That say to him.

I didn't know this would be so uncomfortable, but it is. Why though? It shouldn't be. Maybe cause those feeling I suppressed for him are trying to resurface. But I can't let them, cause I know he'll never feel the same I mean look he's got a beautiful family there. And the only one that would get hurt in the end is me. I was sort of not paying attention before that is until Kellin nudges me.

"Hey want to meet a friend of mine?" he says to them.

Then he faces the camera at me. I start to blush and say hi to the three kids and a woman, that are now looking at me. Oh god this is uncomfortable, I haven't been around kids or children in a long time.

"Guys this is Vic, he's the singer in one of the bands in touring with here" Kellin tells them. I give a wave and be nice.

"Wait what time is it there?" He asks his wife.

"Like seven am, which means the boys have to get to school, so everyone say bye to dad" she tells them.

Then a chorus of byes come through. He waves to them and says bye. But right before they hang up there was the sound of a door bell. Kellin got curious. Then one of his sons left the shot of the camera. I guess to get the door. Then he says something but I couldn't hear. Then another man came onto the picture. Then the camera went off. Then he hangs up and puts his phone away.

That was a little weird but I'm got going to say anything.

"You have a beautiful family Kellin" I say to him.

"Thanks Vic they're great" he says.

"I wish had someone back home but I don't" I admit sadly.

"It'll happen Vic, don't worry" he says trying to help.

Then we go back to talking about what we were before. Then before we knew it we had to start getting ready for the show. So everyone that isn't from my band leaves our bus to go back to their own to get ready.


|Kellin pov|

I know that call must have been uncomfortable for Vic, but I think it was fine. However I have some concerns about why Kate's ex was there, then the camera went off.

I didn't want to make a scene around everyone, so that's what I waited to call her until we left. So that's what I'm doing. I'm calling her back. She should be back from dropping them off at school so.

"Hello?" She says.

"Hey babe, can I just ask why your ex was there this morning?"

"Oh, he called the other day and wanted to spend time with his boys and take them to school that's all" she says.

Then I hear some chatter in the background and she talks away from the phone saying 'it's just my husband'. Ok what's going on and where is she?

"Who was that?" I ask her.

"He's still here, but he was just leaving" she tells me.

"Your hanging out with him, Kate what the hell, you can call me whenever if you need me" I say getting a little mad.

"Kellin calm down. There's nothing for you to worry about ok" she says.

"Ok well I got to go do a show, love you" I say.

"I love you too babe" she says, then hangs up.

She better not be lying to me. But I can't help but feel like something fishy is going on, I will get to the bottom it.

I grab a water and head into the venue with everyone else. I wasn't in the best of moods now, but I have to try and temporarily forget all that and preform. I walk up behind Vic and Oli talking and join them for a bit.

I never thought about why I was getting mad about her hanging around her ex when I was practically doing he same thing. Oh yeah there's a difference, she was almost married to him and had two kids. I accepted that but it doesn't make it easy either. I wasn't married to Vic, I didn't have any kids, it was a simple high school romance. Yes I loved him back then, but now? And with Kate now hanging around with him that wasn't simple, and she seemed nervous as we talked. I know something is probably going on.

"Kellin. . ." I hear someone calling my name.

"Kellin" they snapped.

"What!" I say.

"Come on you have to go on" it was Mike, Vic's brother.

"Oh, sorry, thanks" and I walked on stage.

Cheers as soon as I walked on, and I started singing my heart out with so much passion I have for this.


Hey everyone, thanks everyone who reads this new story, it means a lot to me. Anyway I have a new story probably getting published soon like within the next week or two. Stay awesome =)

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