Chapter Four

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|Vic pov|

It's really him. It's Kellin, wow. He's changed a lot since high school. He's gotten tattoos, I never expected he'd be the type, he's grown his hair out longer, it's also darker then I remember, he's still hot. I have to admit. I remember in high school he had a few piercings but he doesn't seem to be sporting them anymore. The last time I've seen him was when we broke up at the start of college. But I know it's him, I see it in those eyes, those blue-green eyes that I used to love so much. Kellin was my first love. But that's all changed now.

"Whoa, so you two have met?" Oli asked shocked.

"Yeah" Kellin and I say at the same time.

"How?" Jaime asks me.

"We, we went to high school together, hey Mike" Kellin says shyly.

"Kellin" Mike says with a nod.

"We didn't just go to high school together-"

"Don't!" Kellin warns me.

"-we dated in high school" I finished.

"Dude you never told me you were gay!" Jaime states in a joking way.

"I'm not gay, I'm bi" I say to him in a duh tone.

"Dude does Kate know?" One of the guys in Kellin's band says.

I wonder who this Kate is, must be his girlfriend.

"No she doesn't, and please don't say anything I swear you guys can't say anything to her" Kellin sternly tells his band.


"So Vic, your finally in a touring band? What happened to the other one what hell was it called Before something or other" He asks with a hint of sarcasm.

"Yeah, Before Today, actually. What about you, you hated that I was in a band and now you are? What happened to being psychiatrist?" I ask him. There's definitely tension.

I don't know why the break up was mutual back then. But it still sucked on my end.

"Forget it, see ya later" he says he walked away from the rest of us.

|Kellin pov|

Oh my god it's really Vic, he's different from high school. His hair is longer, he's gotten a nose piercing and he also seems to have really been working out. Like I can see the he outline of his muscles, he really grew up, and became hot, not that he wasn't when we dated, but still. I can't believe this is happening. Especially since he just told the band and everyone else here that we knew each other let alone dated. How could he do that? It's nice to see him again. But I was a bit cold towards him, I know I was being childish after he blabbed about us. But I didn't want anyone to know about that back then. High school was a long time ago and I can't get sucked back into it.

I should go apologize, that was wrong of me, and I definitely shouldn't have left like that. It's no way to start off tour. Cause we're going to be stuck with them for three months and I want to enjoy it, not have to have tension between us. So let's get this over with.

But before I could there's a knock on the door. I go over and open it. Although I'm shocked to see Vic standing there on the other side of it.

"Oh, hi" I say shocked.

"Sorry was I interrupting something?" He asks.

"No, no nothing, I was actually going to come find you" I say.

"Really, why?" He asks.

"Well I wanted to apologize for my behavior before, that was childish and I shouldn't have said that" I say.

"Well I came to apologize too, I'm sorry I said anything about what happened ten years ago, I shouldn't have brought it up. I mean we broke up mutually so there's no one to blame, but it's nice to see you again Kellin" he says the. Turns to leave.

"Vic, wait, you don't have to go yet" I say even shocking myself.

"What?" He says sort of confused.

"Well we can talk, right, I mean like I'm interested into knowing what you've been up to since then, clearly you've made it in a band, tell me about it" I suggest.

"Oh, well I sorta quit college after the first year to start this band after I met Tony and Jaime. Then Mike was a into it as well so yeah, we've officially been a band since 2007, when our band put out our first album, but I did have a couple girlfriends since, but I'm not going to talk about them, their just bitches who cheat on people, so yeah, that's about it for me, what about you, when did you start a band?" He explains to me.

"I'm sorry to hear about your girlfriends. Cheaters suck. But we started this band about a year and half ago, after I decided I didn't want to be a psychiatrist anymore. I went through all of the schooling and then I got a job in it, but it wasn't anything like I expected it be. So I gave up on that. But if it wasn't for the schooling I wouldn't have met Katelynne. That's how we met. Then we got married. We have a beautiful baby girl, well she's three now, but whatever. Anyway she had two boys from a previous relationship, but I love those boys like my own. She was a little hesitant about us going on tour, it took us her a long time to accept the fact it's happening but I know she'd want me to be happy, not that I wasn't happy before, but I've talked a lot about the band and everything that went with it that if I passed up this opportunity I'd probably regret it. So that's about it" I finish explaining to him.

"Wow, Kellin, you've really made quite a life for yourself, that's great, well I should go they'll be doing sound check soon so I should be getting ready, see ya" he says, then leaving.

I can't help but notice a sadness about him. Like when he was talking about everything and just before he left. But whatever it is I'm sure his brother will help him with whatever it is. I remember Mike was always good at that. I guess if sound check is going on I should be out there too, so I leave the room and go back to everyone else.

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