Chapter Eight

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|Katelynne pov|

So Kellin's been gone for a while now. Copeland hasn't liked it, she really misses him. So do I. But there's nothing I can do about it. That's why I let them call him early yesterday morning. So they can talk to him. I wasn't a expecting John to come and get the boys though.
(Idk her exes name so I made one up she keeps everything pretty private; respect for that, anyway carry on reading)

Yes we were hanging out and talking. But was that such a bad thing. Ok so I almost married the guy, doesn't mean anything anymore. I know he took it hard and been trying to get me to talk to him, I just couldn't. But when he called me the other day asking if he could spend some time with the boys I couldn't really say no. I mean he is their father. So is Kellin, but he's a step father to them. And plus I know the boys wanted to see him too so I couldn't say no.

Like I expected that reaction out of Kells. But really that's what he's worried about. When I'm worried about him in a foreign country.

Knock, knock

I answer the door.

"John! What are you doing here" I ask him.

"Where's your husband?" He asks. Shit I forgot to tell him that's Kellin's away.

"He's away for work" I say vaguely.

"So he's not here?" He says to me.

"Well that's generally the definition of what the word away means" I say rolling my eyes at him.

"Katelynne, I'm sorry about what happened, but you don't have to be like this"

"Like what, you ditched me the night before our supposed wedding, and running off for a few weeks when I told you I was pregnant the first time, and again the second time. No I have nothing to be mad about" I say to him.

"Kate you know that's not what happened" he says.

"Oh it isn't, doesn't matter anyway" I say. "What do you want being here"

"Look I want to get on a good basis, I want to be able to see the boys more. Maybe we can be friends at least"

"Fine, we can be friends, but Kellin's not going to like it"

"Do you always do what he says?" He asks me.

I actually had to think, cause yeah, I do, I mean he's my husband so I do, isn't that how it's suppose to be?

"Yeah, he's my husband so aren't I" I tell him.

He just smirks at me.

"Whatever" he says then leaves.

A few days later he comes by later to pick up Liam and Rowan for school and then comes back and we hang out and talk while Copeland's napping. He starts talking about the past and our old relationship. We are actually having a good time and being civil and getting along again. It's kind of fun reminiscing about our past. I didn't even notice he was that close to me until the next thing happens. His lips touched mine and he kisses me.

I forgot everything and got lost in it.


|Kellin pov|

We're all now in Nice, France for a show before we head up to Paris for two shows. Today's our day off so we're spending it driving up to northern France. Vic and Jaime are on our bus with us, saying that Tony and Mike are being annoying so they wanted to come with us instead. Whatever that's supposed to mean.

Vic and I have been getting closer and we talk a lot more often without it getting awkward now. Im having the time of my life on this tour. I love traveling to these countries and cities. Its amazing.

But lately I've been really missing Copeland wondering what she's doing. I miss everyone but Copeland is my little girl. Her cute button nose, her sweet innocent giggle, that makes my heart melt. Her calling me dada. And that smile, her adorable smile. That's when I noticed a tear run down my face.

"Kellin you ok" Vic asks me.

"Yeah I'm fine" I sigh.

"You don't seem fine, your crying and you sighed" he tells me.

"Look I don't expect you to understand but I really miss my daughter" I tell him.

"If you miss her why don't you call her?" he asks.

"Kate's not answering the phone so. . ." I say.

"Oh, sorry I didn't know" Vic says awkwardly.

"It's alright there's nothing you can do about it" I tell him.

"Well come on the guys want to go out for drinks tonight when we get there, that might take your mind off of her for a while" he says to me.

"Thanks but I don't know"

I don't expect him to understand, he doesn't have kids or a even a girlfriend or anything so him saying something like that doesn't surprise me. But since I don't have to energy to fight and cause a scene I just go along with it. Maybe one or two drinks couldn't hurt.

So that's what happens as soon as we got to Paris, we all got to the bar and end up getting completely wasted.

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