Chapter Nine

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|Vic pov|

As I wake up I noticed something's off. Other than the fact that I have a splitting headache and it feels like Mike is playing his drums on my head, but I'm not in my bunk, let alone on my bus. Whoa who's touching me? My eyes widen and barely see Kellin's outline sleeping right next to me passed out. What the fuck happened last night? But I'm looking around and my eyes are focusing better I see I'm in the Sleeping with Sirens bus.

I cautiously look at myself and I do see myself still clothed and so is everyone else I can see on the bus. Ok that's good. Nothing happened.

I see Kellin starting to stir in his sleep. That's when memories of last night come rushing back to me, that's not the only thing rushing to me. I make a mad dash to the bathroom and let everything out vomiting into the toilet. Oh my god. Once I let everything out I just slumped there next to the toilet and rubbing my temples on the sides of my head.

"Rough night huh" I hear someone say startling me.

I look up to see Kellin standing there at the entrance of the bathroom looking at me.

"Oh, yeah" I sigh.

"Me too, I was up about two hours ago puking" he tells me. I just nod.

"I'm never drinking that much again" I mumble to myself.

"Yeah I said that too" he says smirking. I don't say anything.

"Here" he hands me two Tylenol and a glass of water.

"Thanks" I say gratefully. And I take the pills then he takes my hand and leads me out of the bathroom and off the bus.

"Uh, why did we leave the bus" I say a bit irritated, cause of the sun annoying me.

"Cause I always find sitting outside to help my hangovers, the fresh air and all, you know" he says.

"Oh, ok" I say as we sit down in a grassy area near the parking lot where the bus is.

We just sit there in a comfortable silence together I just take deep breaths of the fresh air and it's actually helping along with the Tylenol too. However the silence is broken when Kellin starts talking.

"I think I know why Kate's not answering my calls" he states at random.

I just look at him, confused.

"Oh?" Is all I say.

"Yeah, I know he's hanging out with her ex again, she says it's only cause he wants to take the boys to school, but I think it's to try and get her back" he says.

Honestly I couldn't care, since I'm in some pain with a headache still, but dulling out. And it's his life, but being a nice person I don't say anything but just listen to him.

"Really?" I say, because I don't really know what to say.

"Sorry I shouldn't be saying this to you anyway" he says.

"No it's okay we're friends right, you can tell me anything you want to" I say.

"Vic I have to tell you something, honestly I do still like you. Ok like after that kiss that happened a few weeks ago I haven't gotten it out of my head. Look I know I'm married and have a family, and that nothing serious is probably ever going to come out us again, but I just wanted you to know that I do still have these feeling somewhere for you and I don't think I'll ever get rid of them, because you were the first person I ever loved" he finishes his little speech.

I was taken back, I didn't know what to think after hearing that. I think was shocked most of all.

"Kellin I don't know what to say. But I do know that I have never been able to rid these feelings for you either, which is probably why none of my girlfriends have worked out" I say.

Then all of a sudden his lips captured mine into a kiss. I know this is wrong but then why does it feel so right. He's now moved himself to a straddling position on top of me. I'm not complaining though. Then he pulls away and sits back staring at me smiling. I smile back, instead of freaking out like the last time.

"It's ok Vic I can tell your regretting it, but at the same time I know you liked it" he says.

He was right.

"Your right, ugh, how did you know that" he sigh.

"Because I remember everything about you, or how you were" he says looking away and kind of sad at the end there I didn't says anything after that. Then he got off of me and sat beside me once again.

"Feeling any better?" He asks.

"Yeah, he headache is pretty much gone" I state to him.

We just stay like that in a awkward, yet comfortable silence. Neither of us saying anything else. We are outside of the bus in the grass, waiting for everyone to get up and tell us we have to go in the venue. It was actually nice sitting here and taking in the sights and fresh air that is here in Paris.

Then I hear my phone ringing I see that Mike is calling me.

"Hello?" I say.

"Yeah dude where are you?" I hear him.

"I'm sitting out side the Sirens bus why?" I tell him.

"Ok we have to do a should check so get your ass in here" he says to me.

"Ok I'm on my way" I say hanging up the phone.

"Sorry Kells I have to go do sound check, unless you want to come, I'll see you later" I say.

"I think I'll stay here for a few more minutes, but I'll be in there shortly" he tells me. 

"Ok see ya" I say walking away from him and I go into the venue to find my bandmates. I eventually saw Kellin walk in and watch us

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