Robyn felt her shoulders slump down, feeling like a primary school kid being introduced to the class by the teacher. Ray slid his arm around her, pushing her back forward and making her stand straight again. He squeezed her shoulder reassuringly.

Her chin lifted, the first face she saw was Chloe's. And it wasn't a happy one. She was looking at her with eyes narrowed down to slits, and even through them Robyn could clearly see jealousy and anger. She really has it bad for Ray, Robyn thought.

She'd never known what it felt like to be jealous, simply because she never had a proper committed relationship before. She wondered if it was the slight burn she felt in her chest every time she would see a new girl slide out of Ray's car in the mornings, or every time he was kissed or touched in an intimate way. It was only little and Robyn took it as completely irrational. She could only imagine what Chloe felt.

Breathing in deeply, Robyn could also only imagine how the following days would unfold. She wished, now, that she hadn't introduced the challenge. This what not what she had asked for. She didn't need these people to be her friend, especially not Trevor.

From the corner of her eye, she noticed a familiar pair of brown eyes join the circle.

"Rick," she smiled broadly, "hey,"

Acknowledging her presence, Rick smiled his charming smile, his eyes lighting up under the sun. "Hey Robyn," he waved.

The thrilling noise of the warning buzzer cut any further introductions or greetings. In a few seconds, the students that had been standing in small groups or sitting on the picnic benches started shuffling and moving towards the school buildings. The group Robyn was standing in scattered, everyone waving their see you laters. Rick engaged in a conversation with one of Trevor's friends, uninterested in making his move.

Ray's arm around her stayed. Robyn expected him to pull back any moment, but it didn't happen.

"Let me drop you off to your form," his hand fell away from her, though he stayed close.

"But isn't your. . . " Robyn recalled Ray's form room being on the other side of the school premises. While Robyn's sat in the Art block, Ray's was in the English. "I can go by myself, or else you'll be late,"

"I won't be," he looked down at her, his blue eyes telling her something only she knew. That he was a werewolf.

"Yes, you will be," Rick walked past Ray, stopping a few steps head. "We can walk together, our forms are right next to each other," he smiled at Robyn.

"Sure," she gave a nod, starting to walk up to Rick. "See you later Ray. . ." her voice quieted down as she saw him. Ray's straight face gave as much expression as a stone, yet Robyn could sense something in the vacancy of his yes and the hard line of his lips. He nodded and turned around, walking in the opposite direction. Chloe joined his side almost as if she'd been waiting.

"So, Robyn," Rick grabbed her attention.

They started making their way towards the Art block. A cool wind swept her hair away from her face. "Yes?"

"You're in charge of preparing for parents evening then? I heard a lot about you from the group," he looked at her sideways, a dimple digging into his cheek.

They reached a bubble of students huddled around the entrance into the Art block. Because of vandalism and misbehaviour, students weren't allowed into the school buildings during lunch and break. It goes to say, Robyn's school was not the best in her town. It used to be at one point, before the principle decided to abandon the school and disappear. That was a year ago, and since then the management had fallen low. That explained why the older students, especially those from Sixth Form, were given duties such as supervising the canteen during lunch, toilet duties and, of course, planning and organising any and all events within the school.

"That. . . I had no idea, actually, until Ms. Sharpe caught me," Robyn smiled at him, "are you part of the team too?"

Rick nodded, his hair bouncing along, "yeah, I volunteered, though. It looks good on your CV," he winked.

The door opened and all at once, everyone rushed to get into the warm interior of the school. Robyn got pushed in from the flow of students around her, though even through that Rick managed to stay at her side. The students immediately dispersed, going down the three different corridors. Robyn and Rick took right.

"Some leader I am, I don't even know when and where the meetings are," Rick pushed open a set of double doors for Robyn. She mumbled a thanks as she walked through.

They were an addition to an already crowded corridor, that was steadily emptying as the students slid into their classrooms. Robyn reached hers and stood by the door, while Rick stood at the entrance of the room next to hers.

"Oh, you missed the first meeting," Rick smiled, his brown eyes soft, "don't worry, we can go together this Friday,"

With that, he waved at Robyn and walked into his class. Robyn stood a beat longer, watching the door swing shut behind him. A smile tugged at her lips as she pushed the door and left the corridor empty once again.

 A smile tugged at her lips as she pushed the door and left the corridor empty once again

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Hey everyone :)

I hope you liked this chapter. If you did please leave a vote and comment, it would make me very happy ^^

Since I'm so bad at self-discipline I've decided to keep an day dedicated for updates. So, from now on there will be weekly updates every Monday. Stay connected until then!

Sorry it took so long for the dedication neharica! Thanks again for reviewing my book :D 

See you guys on Monday ^^

~ Mich♡

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