Chapter 16

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We all were running through the woods at our fastest rate. Elena and I beat the boys to a road. They stopped staring at us.

"The trail's cold." I said

"Malcolm's gone. Someone must've picked him up." Elena said

"All the doors in the house were open. That's not a coincidence and neither is this. The witches must've taken Malcolm." Jeremy said

"They have no idea what they've unleashed." Clay said

"The point is, he's gone." Logan said

"No. No, he can't be. We promised the Alpha council his head on a stake.
I'm going to find him." Nick said

He took off running growling.

"Nick!" I shouted

He just seemed to ignore me as he took off faster. I sighed. Logan looked at me.

"I'll go with him." Logan said

"Thanks, Logan." I said

Logan nodded before taking off running after Nick. Elena looked at Jeremy.

"There's no sense in searching the woods. Malcolm's gone." Elena said

"There's no sense in any of this." Jeremy replied

He took off walking back through the forest. I looked around. Those witches really messed with the wrong wolves. We got back to the house and went to the kitchen sitting around the table.

"What now? We can't just sit around and wait for the Alphas to return to mete out their punishment." Clay said

"Without Malcolm, we have no way of protecting you from losing your seat." Elena said

"This isn't just about Malcolm anymore. There's a dead Alpha in our war room.
Killing Rodrigo could be interpreted as a declaration of war. The other Alphas on the council cannot know he was here. Or that Malcolm escaped." Jeremy said

"We'll have to hide the body." I said

There was rattling and weird noises. Jeremy looked at us before getting up and walked out of the kitchen.

"We go get Malcolm. We know where the witches are, they left their card, okay? It's in Jeremy's room." Elena said

Clay and I nodded and we walked out of the kitchen.


3rd POV

Jeremy walked into his office to see a ring scooting across his floor. He grabbed it and walked to the front door looking out to see no one.

"Show yourselves." Jeremy ordered

Ruth and Paige walked out and revealed themselves. Jeremy just stared at them.

"We come in peace." Ruth said

"You come empty-handed." Jeremy replied

"I've no clue what you're talking about."

"Malcolm Danvers. I want him back."

"Well, you're not getting him." Paige said

"Then you're not getting this ring. Which I assume is important to you since you came back for it."

Paige lifted her hand and using her powers scooted Jeremy back and they walked into the house.

"Stop this right now!" Jeremy shouted

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