Chapter 10: Descent

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As soon as we got to Toronto, the first thing we did was stop by Logan's place. He was surprised to see Clay with us.

"Hey, Logan." I said

"You're getting big." Logan said

"Are you calling me fat?"

"Uh, no-no, I just mean that you're growing and quickly."

"It seems that way. I'm about a month and a half due to me being a wolf. A lot has happened in Stonehaven since you've been here."

"I know I owe you guys an explanation."

"We've been sent to bring you back." Clay said

"Jeremy's worried about you. So are we. What's going on?" Elena said

"How's Nick holding up?" Logan asked

"He's holding."

"You should've been there." Clay said

"I know. It's just that, uh Rachel's pregnant." Logan said

"What? Since when?" I asked

"Around the same time as you. It's a boy."

"A werewolf. One of us." Clay said

"Okay. Um, so that's why you've been avoiding Jeremy." Elena said

"I'm avoiding Pack Law. You know the one that says I'm supposed to steal my newborn son from his mother and raise him as one of us? Yesterday, I got this package on my doorstep telling me congratulations. Thing is, no one knows we're pregnant, let alone that it's a boy." Logan said

"It's got to be Santos." Clay said

"He's been tracking our every move and I mean every single move." I said

"Jeremy needs to know about this. All of it."

"Trust me, I know. I've been trying to figure out how to explain this to him.
I was going to tell him about the gift, but I was afraid he was going to order me home.
And I'm not going to leave Rachel alone. It's not like I can take her to Stonehaven." Logan said

"I know I'm the last person you'd expect to hear this from, but you should talk to him. The Pack has been through a lot, and he needs you. And whether you realize it or not, you need him too. Especially if the Mutts are behind this. You need the support and protection of the Pack." Elena said

"Elena is right, Logan. We all need each other." I said

"There's something else." Logan said

"What else could be a danger to us?"

"I think this goes beyond the rattle. There's a video of us running as wolves at Cherry Beach."

"What are you talking about? Look, Clay knows everything about my life here, Logan, so spill it." Elena said

"Philip and Sebastian came by, asking a lot of questions."

"They have the video?"

"One of their clients sent him footage for this ad campaign they're working on."

"Did they say who this client is?" Clay asked

"No, and thankfully, they didn't seem too interested in the wolves. Mostly because both of them was focused on the fact that Elena and Makayla necklace and clothes were underneath the lifeguard tower. They thought we were having an affair."

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