Chapter 12: Caged

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Elena and I ran to her car hopping inside. I felt exhausted. Elena looked at me.

Elena and I ran to her car hopping inside. I felt exhausted. Elena looked at me.

"Are you okay?" Elena asked

"The baby is exhausting me." I whispered

The passenger door opened.

"Nick." I smiled

"Thank God you're all right." Nick said

"She's exhausted, Nick. That fight took a lot out of her. The baby is draining her energy." Elena said

"Not one baby should be able to do that. I'll look you over at Stonehaven." Jeremy said

I nodded. Nick picked me up holding me in his arms. I kissed his lips gently.

"We have to go. Olson stabbed Philip and Sebastian. I called an ambulance.
The police probably aren't far behind. Jeremy, they took Clay." Elena said

"We were just at Logan's apartment. They attacked there too." Jeremy said

"Logan and Rachel are missing." Nick said

"We have to get to Clay. If we split up, we can track the Mutts." Elena said

"The Mutts could be anywhere by now."

"No, we have to do something!"

"Listen, Santos is dangerous. He's not a fool. They're not going to kill him before they get what they need." Jeremy said

"You're willing to risk Clay's life on that? Because I'm not."

"We need to work together on this, Elena. If they catch you, there'll be no further need for Clay. Now we will get him back, but we need to keep you safe. Nick will go back to Stonehaven with you and we can prepare for Santos' next move."

Nick opened the back door and laid me down inside before climbing into the passenger side. Elena got into the car and took off. I shut my eyes hoping for some rest.

I woke up to see that I was in the med bay with an iv in my arm. Elena and Nick were beside the bed. Nick was holding my hand.

"What was wrong with me?" I asked

"Jeremy said that you just needed some fluids. He did an ultrasound. You're carrying two babies and not just one." Nick replied


"We're having twins, Makayla."

I just stared at Nick dumfounded. That was why my energy was being drained so fast. i smiled at Nick.

"Looks like we'll have our hands full." I said

Nick chuckled along with Elena until her phone chimed. Looking at it, she picked it up and answered.

"Hello." Elena said

"Nice to hear your voice, Elena. We need to talk." Santos replied

"If you hurt Clay, I swear I will make you live to regret it."

"I have a proposition to make. And trust me when I say this is in your best interests. Meet me at the Bear Valley Diner tomorrow at noon. And forget about bringing the Pack. I'll smell them before they enter the door. And just in case you don't think I'm serious."

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