Chapter 11: Settling

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I walked out of the bedroom still in my dress from last night going to get some coffee. Elena came stumbling out of the room.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"I can't reach Philip. It looks like you got what you wanted, Clay." Elena said

"You're hurting. I'd never want that." Clay said

"What do you want, Clay? Tell me once and for all how you think this is going to play out."

"I don't know. We're under attack. Right now, that's all I care about.
Jeremy and Nick found Joey Stillwell. Alive. He led them to the Mutts' hideout, an abandoned warehouse outside of Bear Valley."

"Marsten and LeBlanc? Tell me they got them."

"Long gone. Jeremy will fill us in when he and Nick get here."

I chocked on my coffee. It flew out of my mouth going all over the counter.

"Can you repeat that? I don't think I heard it right." I said

Elena tossed me a towel and I cleaned up the coffee mess.

"They're coming to Toronto?" Elena asked

"The Mutts they want us separated, chasing after them. We get Logan; we go back to Stonehaven as a Pack. We can't be apart anymore." Clay said

"And what about Rachel? She's pregnant." I said

"Logan will get her someplace safe."

"I need to find Philip." Elena said

"You can't leave. If he isn't back by the time we're ready, we'll just have to go. It won't be easy."

"I don't need your advice on how to break someone's heart."

Elena walked off. I sighed looking at Clay.

"Look, she's hurting. She seems to be getting hurt a lot lately." I said

"I never meant to hurt her." Clay said

"But you did, Clay. All Elena says is betrayal and hurt when she looks at you."

"What about you and Nick?"

"Nick and I are working things out. We're trying to at least. I'm not sure how everything is going to work out."

Elena came out of the bedroom dressed up.

"Where are you going?" I asked

"I'm not going to sit around here waiting for Jeremy." Elena said

"He said it was a short delay." Clay said

"I have to find Philip. He's not answering my calls."

"Jeremy was specific: we have to stay put."

"Philip is out there. What if Santos or Olson decide to go after him, to hurt him? What if What if they already have?"

"Killing people in the woods of Bear Valley is one thing. Going after someone in the city, risking exposure, I don't think Santos would do that...not for someone like Philip."

"What's that supposed to mean? He's not important enough?"

"Not to them. Look, Santos is playing games, like biting the man who hurt you when you were a child. He's enjoying himself, keeping us off-balance. Once we're back in Stonehaven, he'll forget about Toronto."

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