Chapter 15: Scare Tactics

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Apparently Nick woke up real early because I woke up in bed alone. I rolled my eyes and sighed. We were all taking shifts watching over Malcolm who was locked in the cage down in the cellar. Grabbed my robe, I fastened it around me before heading downstairs to where I smelled the others. Nick smiled when he saw me. I walked over to him and pecked his lips before taking a seat at the table. Elena was cutting up some meat. Jeremy walked in.

"Is Logan still down there?" Jeremy asked

"Hasn't slept yet. He won't even take a break to eat." Nick replied

"Malcolm still hasn't said anything?"

"Nothing. Not a word about where he's keeping Rachel."

"He's stalling. Every minute he doesn't say anything is another minute that he gets to breathe." Elena said

"Is that a problem, Elena? Keeping him alive is our best option right now."

Taking the knife in her hand, Elena stabbed it into the meat.

"We finally have him in the cage. I want to kill him so badly." Elena said

I stood up from the chair and stared at her hardly.

"And I've told you that no one loses their head until Rachel is found. Believe me, I want him dead just as much as you do and I'm fighting my own urges at going down to the cellar and snapping his neck like a twig. Malcolm will get what he deserves but not before we find Rachel. Do I make myself clear, Elena?" I said

"Yes." Elena replied

I knew that Elena was pissed but I couldn't help that. We had to find Rachel before Malcolm died no matter what.

"Makayla is right. As long as there's the possibility that Rachel is still alive, we have to conduct ourselves as if she is." Jeremy said

"What about the Alpha council?" Nick asked

"Either way, this has to be resolved before they get back." Jeremy said

"If Clay were here, he'd torture it out of him." Elena said

"Malcolm isn't swayed by pain, he enjoys it too much." Nick said

"Everyone's afraid of something. Even the devil."

We all just looked at Elena. She was right. No matter how strong you think you are, there's still something that you are afraid of.


3rd POV

Clay walked into a university in Tulene, Louisiana. He walked down halls until walking into a classroom to see a man going through some books.

"Professor Shayhaus?" Clay asked

The man turned around looking at Clay.

"I'm Clay Danvers, I called earlier." Clay said

"Yes, yes, Dr. Danvers. What can I do for you?" Shayhaus asked

"I was fascinated by your research on pagan symbiology. I came across something recently. I thought you could help me."

"Happy to help. Pre-Celtic symbols don't get the attention they deserve anymore."

The Professor opened the paper and froze when he saw the symbol drawn on the paper.

"Where did you get this?" Shayhaus asked

"It was scrawled in a house in Upstate New York." Clay asked

"With what? What was the medium?"


"I, uh, don't know what it is. I have a class to teach."

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