Chapter 20- Brawls and Dance Covers: Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Jagiiiii, I'm heeeerrrrreeeeee!!!" Jungkook sang on the other side of the door. I'm screwed. Unless I do something. And that was hide. I didn't even wanna try to lock or block the door so what I ended up doing was getting in the sound booth and shutting both the screen and dark tinted door, locking them. Lastly, I closed the blinds on the window before ducking into a corner.

The booth was pretty much soundproof, but I could still hear slightly. The entrance to the studio slammed open, making me jump a little bit.

Some footsteps were heard walking around the large room, searching the place. "Huh. My device said you were here, unless it's just a really bad one." My eyes widened at his words. He put a tracking device on me, or my phone.

That's how he knew I was at YG!!! "Oh my God..." I muttered.

"Or......Unless you're hiding from me!!! It makes me sad that you'd do that, Y/N!!! Why can't you see how much I lOvE YoU???!!!!" He walked closer to the sound booth. 'Please.' I thought, looking up at the sky, or ceiling for that matter.

'God, please don't let him find me!' I put my hands together, squeezing my eyes shut. The doorknob jiggled, making me open my eyes in an instant. "Are you in here?!" He yelled, probably grinning like an idiot. 'No.' I thought, shaking.

He pounded on the door and shook the doorknob, he even kicked it a few times, desperate to get in. "I'll take that as a yes." He giggled. That's when I broke down. Tears spilled from my eyes as I continuously prayed he wouldn't be able to break in here.

Something sharp suddenly jabbed straight through both doors, making me want to scream like a banshee. But I'm not in a horror film where every character does that. I covered my mouth with my hands, muffling any sound that tried to come out.

The sharp object in the door continued jabbing into it to make a fairly large hole. A hand slipped in through and felt around the door a few times before gripping the doorknob.

I quickly crawled under the large table and covered myself as much as I could with the wheely chair. I balled up and tried to stop crying as I heard the door open and footsteps enter the sound booth.

"Where are youuuuu?" He cooed, looking around. I peeked from my curled up position to see where he was and was shocked immediately after. He was standing in front of the table, holding a KNIFE. A FREAKING KNIFE.

All I could do was face forward. It was as if I was paralyzed. I swore if I moved even a centimeter he would see me. Jungkook paced the room a few times and my hopes actually began to go up. I curled back up, expecting him to leave, but just the opposite happened.

The wheely chair was pulled away from the table, and I did my best to not move or speak or do anything really. 'This is it. This. Is. It. God, you remember how long we've been friends right? Well I'm about to meet ya in person!' I thought, staying in my ball.

"I found you!!!!" He exclaimed. I was grabbed by the arm and dragged out from underneath the table and onto my feet. He pulled me into a bone-crushing embrace and started twirling the two of us around.

I couldn't believe what was happening right now. He had found me. What do I do about this? I started struggling against him as best as I could, him still hugging the life out of me. He stopped twirling and stared into my eyes.

Mine were red, puffy, and definitely soaked with tears, some still spilling onto my cheeks. His were dull, lifeless, and cloudy. There was nothing there. Jeon Jungkook was not Jeon Jungkook anymore. I don't even know what you would call him now. Other than he was no longer himself.

He leaned in and started pecking the tears away from my face. I jumped and tried to move away, but he caught up with me. "Don't cry, jagi. I HATE seeing you cry." He muttered, pressing a kiss on my forehead. His lips stayed there for a few seconds before he lifted them up.

Looking at me again, he took one hand and played with my hair. A huge smile spread across his face soon after.

"We can finally be together!!! How gReAt iS tHaT??!!!" He jumped up and down like a small child, giggling like a school girl. I forgot how to speak. Not literally, you know what I mean. No words were formed in my throat. All I could do was stutter.

More tears fell as I began to accept what I thought was about to happen. I'd have to spend the rest of my life with this insane obsessed boy. He set his knife down and took both my hands, stroking them with his thumbs.

"Well, what do you think, jagi?!" He smiled, squeezing my hands tighter. "I think...." I began to say. He smiled bigger. "What?" He asked.

Suddenly, my body could move now. I ran right past him out of the sound booth and out of the dance studio. He must've been shocked because it took him a couple seconds to eventually catch up with me. "I'M NOT LOSING YOU AGAIN!!!!" He screamed, running after me. He chased me all the way out of the building.

I ran as fast as I could go, Jungkook hot on my tail. He managed to get a hold of my arm, but I shoved him off and sped up. I was almost to the dorm before a hand gripped my shoulder.

I didn't even wanna turn around at this point. "Y/N!" A voice shouted my name. Fear took over my system and I became disoriented. Dizziness kicked in too. My heart and lungs nearly stopped working.

My eyes rolled back and before I realized.........

I was unconscious.......


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