Ray's hair looked slightly darker after his shower. He had brushed the top part of it neatly back, the sides tucked behind his ears.

Andrew admired his son's appearance. He looked much smarter and mature than he last remembered Ray to be. He looked healthier, too. Something that was unseen of someone who had been unconscious for a week.

"Just one Alpha?" Ray questioned, lifting his ankle to rest on his knee.

Andrew pulled back his chair and sat behind his desk, too. There was too much happening, too many questions in his mind, and he knew Ray felt the same. He only worried how he would answer them.

"Yes, but I don't think the other packs are going to accept it so easily."

"Of course not!" Ray sat up straight, "why should there be only one Alpha? What's their motive?"

Here they come.

"I don't know, son," Andrew sighed, folding his arms, "I thought it was personal revenge against me but their 'Alpha', whoever it is, seems to be against…"

"Our entire species."

After a beat, Andrew confirmed, "yes."

Ray stood up, walking to the window and looked outside. It was dark and quiet. The moonlight casted a silver outline on Ray's profile.

"It's not even safe to go out during the night for us. I've requested for weapons from Alpha Darren, to train our wolves with," Andrew said, "Victor has been training them hard to keep this pack safe."

"We need to fix the cells too, they're not serving us well. How did Callum manage to escape?" Ray questioned.

Andrew recalled what Nick had said. Had it been the Alpha that rescued Callum?

"Speaking of that boy, you never could reach him, could you?" Andrew wondered out loud.

Callum was an ordinary wolf, which meant he should have given into Ray's commands.

"Something, or rather someone, was holding him back," Ray crossed his arms, resting his shoulders against the window, "he didn't say anything, but if I had known it was planned for him to be held here I would have been harsher on him."

"It's not your fault. I'm glad you didn't resort to any harsh methods," Andrew replied absent-mindedly. It still didn't answer his question. No wolf could disobey Ray's command.

"What do you think their motive is, dad?"

It took Andrew a while to think of something plausible to say, "perhaps, it is their way of bringing peace among our kind. In any case, we can't be quiet about this. I'm going to have Heather relay everything Callum said to Ruby pack when she leaves tomorrow."

Ray didn't reply, deep in thought.

They spent a minute in silence. Then he spoke, "if… If something like this happens to me again , if I'm struck down again," Ray turned to his father, "then please, don't get my mate involved in it. No matter how much she insists  you must not allow her to come."

Andrew stared at him, seeing sincerity in his eyes. "I understand, son," then he added, "she's a brave girl."

A ghost of a smile played on Ray's lips.

"You do plan to be with her, don't you?"

His son was lost in thought again. Slowly, still smiling, Ray turned to face the window.

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