Christmas Plans

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The weeks turned into months, and soon Christmas was peeking in at the corner. Dudley was reading a letter from Lily when Harry noticed Ron slumping down, head in arms, at the table. Quickly, Harry went over.

"Ron, mate, what's up?" he asked, concerned for his friend.

"My mum's going to Romania to see my brother, Charlie. I have to stay here over Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I love it here, but I wish I was able to go home over the holidays like everyone else. The twins and Percy will be here, but it's not the same. They won't let me join in."

"You could come home with us!" Harry exclaimed, excitedly. "My mum won't mind, and Potter manor is definately big enough to fit you in! You could either have your own room, or share with me if you like, mum won't mind! Do you want me to ask?" 

"Y'sure your mum won't mind?"

"Course not! why should she?"

"Because I'm not her family?"

"Hermione is round for a few days in the new year, so why should you be any different, and the house elves will happily provide extra food, whatever you want!"

"You have a house elf?"

"Several, but Gobbo is the one we see most! I like them, but they are free, they work for a wage, and get several holiday days! Gobbo even has a wand, although the ministry aren't allowed to know that!"

"If you're sure your mum won't mind..."

"I'll write... no, I'll ask professor Flitwick if I can use his floo. " And with that, Harry sped off.

Ten minutes later, he tapped Ron on the sholder.

"She says she'll be delighted, and doesn't know why Molly didn't ask herself! She'll also take Fred, George and Percy. She's flooing Molly now!" 

The two boys hugged, then seperated, embarressed by showing such girly emotions. 

"I'm going to write to Remus and Sirius, they'll be so pleased that you guys are there too!"


A few days later, all of the hogwarts body were on the train back home, excitedly eating chocolates left over from the previous term and nibbling newer food off the trolley. It was exciting to be going back home after a term away.

"Harry, are you sure your mum doesn't mind?" Ron asked for the third time that day.

"Convinced, and if you ask again, I'll hex your mouth shut!" Harry laughed.

Harry and Dudley Start HogwartsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang