Going home

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On the last full day of term, reports were handed out for the lower years, Harry was pleased to have O's in everything, as did Hermione. Dudley has E's in most, but an O in potions and herbology.
This was really pleasing for him, as a part of him was expecting Ps in most of his papers. Harry had jumped in him when he discovered his results, and they'd ended up in a messy hug on the floor. Professor McGonagal gave Harry his needle book back, saying that he ought to give it to his mum as a present as it was so nice. Harry liked that idea. Harry received the note to remind him not to do magic at home, and quickly remembered that he needed to visit gringots soon to remove his blocks, along with Dudley's and especially Hermione's, as her parents wouldn't be able to see what she learned until she was 17 otherwise, which is slightly crazy in his opinion.
Throwing everything into his trunk, Harry decided just throw all of his things in and sort when he got home.
All to soon, the five of them were in a compartment of the Hogwarts Express, planning to meet up in the holidays as much as possible. Harry smiled as they pulled into London. He hugged his mum tight, and met Neville's parents, Frank and Alice, and Hermione's parents too. They all agreed that they would have to get together so that the parent could meet properly.
When they got home, Gobbo returned the boys trunks to their rooms, and with a click, everything was arranged as if they had never left in the first place.
"So, boys." Lily asked, huffing her sons "How was this year?"

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