Platform 9 3/4

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Harry and Dudley couldn't believe it, they were finally on the platform that thry had dreamed of standing on since they were six; they kept pinching themselves to check that they weren't dreaming! Lily was brushing down Harry's hair, smoothing it all out, making sure that he looked halfway presentable. Giving up, she kissed Dudley's hair.

"Both of you boys behave. I don't want any professor to complain about your behaviour. Harry, you have Hedwig, Dudley, you have Ulrich, so write home as often as you can, I want to know my babies are alright. If you are in the same house, that's great, if not, then make sure you still talk and stay in touch with eachother, I will not have you fighting because of house differences!" Lily talked, repeating the same speach she had given them both several times already that day.

"Yes, mum." The boys chorused.

"Harry! Dudley! Over here!" They heard the cry of Ron Weasley.

The boys began chatting quickly as their parents sighed and realised that they weren't going to get a word in edgeways until Christmas if they didn't interrupt. Giving each child a last kiss and hug, they pushed them gently towards the train.

The boys found a carridge together, and they started chatting immediately. They talked about the chocolate frog cards that they had, and which ones they needed still. Harry pulled out a new pack of exploding snap. Three or four games later, a small, bushy haired girl appeared.

"Excuse me, have you got any seats to spare?"

"Yeah, sure. Take your pick." Harry laughed, indiating the three empty seats. "Do you want a game, we are just about to deal, it wouldn't be hard for you to join in."

"What are they? I'm muggleborn, you see, so I don't know many wizard games."

"Exploding snap. We'll explain as we go along. Don't worry, it's not as dangerous as it sounds!" Ron reassured her. "I'm Ron, by the way."

"Hermione Granger."

"Harry Potter."

"Dudley Dursley-Potter."

"Pleased to meet you all. Did you know eachother before Hogwarts?" She asked.

"Yeah, we met a few years ago! We went on holiday and bumped into eachother, and once we met, most of the time we would floo to eachothers houses. It's great!"

"That's cool. I wish I knew more wizards. I've read as much as I could, but I didn't know what we needed to know. I've learnt a couple of spells, but not enough to be able to do much."

"Harry and Dudey have been being privately tutored since they were eight. They bought wands in America, and once they learned a few spells alone, their mum bought in a tutor to help them." Ron said, embarrasing both boys highly.

"Wow, you must be really good. Can I study with you?" Hermione asked, muttering the last bit.

"Yeah, that would be brilliant, a little study group!" Harry exclaimed, enthusiastically.

"Almost like having friends..." Hermione whispered, Harry heard and turned around.

"I don't like the idea of 'almost friends'." He said. Hermione's face fell and tears welled up, both boys looked at Harry, shocked. Harry took her hand and squeesed it.

"I like the idea of real friends, actual, complete friends- not 'almost' friends. Are you okay with that?" He asked, squeezing it.

Hermione's smile lit up the entire carridge. "Very much so." She answered, smiling.

Soon, they arrived at Hogsmeade, all of them grateful that their parents had made them wear their robes onto the train, otherwise they would have looked silly walking in in their muggle attire.

Harry and Dudley Start HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now