The making of a wand

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Harry had fun organising his room to fit all of his new possessions into his room, He, Dudley and Ron spent hours arranging all of his books, weapons and potion supplies, which were great in number. Harry hid only two books, one on horcruxes and one on making wands. He put aside one of the expensive cauldrons to give to Snape, he knew the man was talented and wanted to be able to help his potions.

Nagini began to suggest hunting for a wood to create a new wand for himself, for having a non-tracable wand would be highly useful. The wood in a wand is highly important for the wand to have power. 

"Muuuuuum." Harry began,

"yeeeeeeees?" Lily replied.

"I'm going down to the woods. If that's okay, of course."

"okay, make sure you are back in time for lunch!"

"Will do, mum."

So Harry and Nagini journeyed across the property to the edge where the forest began. Nagini circled, looking for the right wood. She circled many trees, before discusing a combination af wood: cherry, apple, oak, elm and Fir. This combination would make him almost unbeatable, even to the famed Elder Wand. It would also lessen accidents. However, the wood had to come from the right trees and be combined in the right order under the right conditions.

The cherry they found almost immediately in the centre of the forest. The cherry tree stood tall and proud, and still in full bloom due to a spell placed on it many years previously, almost a century ago. Harry broke off a branch with blossoms  and a ripe cherry on, a feat almost impossable without damaging the tree, but it was managed and quickly the wood was placed under a statis spell.

The oak and elm trees grew next to eachother, and had some areas of intertwining branches. Harry selected two intertwining branches and put them under another statis spell. Then they returned for lunch. 

Both samples of wood were placed in a gold/ platinum hybrid cauldron, as the book suggested that that may increase the power of the wand. Lily sugested that they visited James' grave, as tradition always had them visit him between christmas and new year. 

At the grave, Harry remembered that the tree planted above his grave was apple, as they believed that it would be a pleasant looking tree, very modest. Harry cut off one branch, placed a quick statis spell and then placed it in his pocket. A slightly subdued family left.

That night at half eveven, Nagini donated her own shedded skin and a small amount of her venom. Hedwig donated a feather. All of the ingrediants were placed in the cauldron, and the cauldron shrunk to fit in Harrys pocket. Harry picked up a small packet of floo powder that he had bough a few days previously (15 knuts per journey, buy enough for one journey in one bag!) and stepped over to the fireplace in the corner of the playroom (or 'study' as the boys now called it, feeling far to old for a playroom now they were at Hogwarts.) and threw in the floo. 

"Dragon Reserve, Romania." He intoned, and with a whoosh, he was gone.

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