Dudley's Birthday

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Dudley woke up at six the next morning to Harry sitting on the end of his bed, grinning.
Dudley did his best to glare at his brother, but ended up pulling him into a hug,which made him laugh. Harry pulled out his gifts for Dudley and told him that Mum would be giving him most of his gifts when they got home in a few weeks time, but that she would probably send some to the school.
Harry gave Dudley a ruby encrusted dagger, which would be fatal to any enemy which he had found in one of his vaults, some DADA books, a tonne of sweets, a few Muggle books and a mix of wizarding and Muggle board games, which Dudley lived. Harry then told him that he would like to make a wand for him, and that Hagrid was taking them into the forest later to look for supplies- Nagini would be helping them on the way. Dudley hugged his brother, then they both got dressed and headed to the great hall for breakfast. Ron, Neville and Hermione all gave him gifts- sweets from the boys and a book from Hermione- all about mythical creatures.
Dudley grinned at her. A few owls flew down to him. He untied the parcels and read the letter attached to the first. His mum had sent him a card, candy and a rucksack, blue with his name in bronze. Severus has sent him some potion supplies and a card. He had some chocolates from an anonymous second year girl, and a light jumper from Mrs Weasley.
After breakfast, Harry, Dudley, Hermione and Nagini headed to Hagrid's hut so they could go into the forest. Nagini predicted that Dudley would need two woods and two cores. Dudley browsed the trees, finding a maple tree in a warm section of the forest, which he pulled a branch from, and he discovered a cherry tree, which he took a branch from. He began hunting for cores. After much wandering around. They discovered unicorn foal stitch in a tree and helped it escape, she in turn donated a silver hair from her mane. After hours they wanted to give up, but they persevered. Suddenly, a flatter of hooves could be heard, they turned around and an angry centaur stood before them.
"Why do you come here, Hunan?" He asked in a deep voice.
"I am Harry Potter, I am crafting a wand for my brother, Dudley."
"Well, Harry Potter. Us centaurs know many things. We know that you will be in a battle. Good luck, young man."
Dudley felt a pull towards the centaur, but didn't know what to say to him.
"Young friend, I feel that you need a core for this wand, take a vial of my blood. This will create a powerful wand."
Dudley stuttered his thanks as they hurried to the cabin. Harty day in the garden of Hagrid's cabin to create the wand. He pulled a ruby from his pocket and placed it in for the ornamental side of the wand. After performing the many spells, Harry tested the wand and it was flawless. It was  cherry coloured, with a jewel in the end. Harry smiled when he saw Dudley's face.
"Happy birthday, Dudley."

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